This site is still a pain in the ass to use, but I did miss it all. Nice to see most of my favorites are still around, see ya saffron. I'm gonna drop out of some of the groups I'm in, Kinda hard to be polyamory when you're terminally single after all. And hentai is cool and all but tentacles aren't so much my thing. Stuff like that.
What else is new, I've been in the new house for most of a year now and I gotta admit I really, really like it here. I'm a mile and a half from the shop, I've even walked to work a few times, need to do that more often. The dogs freaking love it here, they've got that huge back yard to play in, and I've had a few additions to the herd/pack. We (my cousin and I) were given a pair of week old kittens in late september/early october, I don't remember when exactly and somehow managed to bottle-raise them both without killing them, don't ask me how. I can kill a plastic plant. One fat little grey and white, and one siamese deviltom. if they hadn't come out of the same barbeque, you'd never guess they were brothers. And for christmas I was given a bordeau puppy, A giant, slobbery hooch baby.
I'm at saturation point for pets, and spending $70 a month on pet food.
I finally after ten years of wanting to got my motorcyle license, It's a blast and I should have done it years ago, even if it does drive my mom nuts. and yes I do wear a helmet every time I ride. I've got an old yamaha xt600, a big dual sport for right now, but it's gonna be relegated to a camping bike very soon, I'm a big, big boy and it just doesn't have the power I need to safely ride in traffic or on the highway. Still I'm having a blast futzing around town and it gets about 6000 miles to the gallon. By the middle of summer I'll be looking for another ride though. Maybe an old goldwing without the fugly vetter fairing, or maybe I'll bite the bullet and get the ducati I want. Ten grand for something I can ride 7 months a year is a little hard to justify though. Anyway it's late and I'm beat so goodnight
What else is new, I've been in the new house for most of a year now and I gotta admit I really, really like it here. I'm a mile and a half from the shop, I've even walked to work a few times, need to do that more often. The dogs freaking love it here, they've got that huge back yard to play in, and I've had a few additions to the herd/pack. We (my cousin and I) were given a pair of week old kittens in late september/early october, I don't remember when exactly and somehow managed to bottle-raise them both without killing them, don't ask me how. I can kill a plastic plant. One fat little grey and white, and one siamese deviltom. if they hadn't come out of the same barbeque, you'd never guess they were brothers. And for christmas I was given a bordeau puppy, A giant, slobbery hooch baby.

I'm at saturation point for pets, and spending $70 a month on pet food.
I finally after ten years of wanting to got my motorcyle license, It's a blast and I should have done it years ago, even if it does drive my mom nuts. and yes I do wear a helmet every time I ride. I've got an old yamaha xt600, a big dual sport for right now, but it's gonna be relegated to a camping bike very soon, I'm a big, big boy and it just doesn't have the power I need to safely ride in traffic or on the highway. Still I'm having a blast futzing around town and it gets about 6000 miles to the gallon. By the middle of summer I'll be looking for another ride though. Maybe an old goldwing without the fugly vetter fairing, or maybe I'll bite the bullet and get the ducati I want. Ten grand for something I can ride 7 months a year is a little hard to justify though. Anyway it's late and I'm beat so goodnight
Cute ugly pup up there. I'm envious of the zoo.
Also: YAY on getting a new fuckin' picture up!
Welcome to the Two Wheeld World. For what it's
worth check out the Urals; they've got the '40's styled
BMW with Powered Sidecar-wheel. At 650cc
might be too small for you on Interstate but Fun Off-road.