What a fucked day. Chores first thing, then we had to go and do an eviction. Evictions suck, you always feel bad for people that lose thier house, but the sheriff is the one that actually kicks them out. All we do is move personal belongings to the curb. These people were there until just before the sheriff showed up, then they hopped in the truck and split. They looked kinda rough so it's probably a good thing they left and didn't try to push the deputy. With all the crystal meth that is going around these days the cops will throw the cuffs on you in an instant. So, they leave, the cop goes in and checks the place, and we commence to hual out the few things that they left behind, mostly rubbish and raw garbage and I get nailed by a wasp right away. I have a very bad phobia of wasps and this place is just thick with them. So after an hour we are done, the place is a wreck ( it was a wreck when we got there, but now the niehbors get to look at a bunch of junk in the yard) and I am jumpy as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Then I get to go to work, where my boss promptly has a meltdown and puts the entire denver railyard into a snarl. I am going to bed now
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 27, 2006
Aimee (roomates evil wife) got her ninja today. I'ts kinda cute, lik… -
Saturday Jun 24, 2006
I got the bike, it's gonna need a lot of work but it's no sweat. Had… -
Friday Jun 23, 2006
The bike should be here in the morning. Cant sleep! -
Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
My old buddy called tonight when I was at work. The old beater bike … -
Sunday Jun 18, 2006
I cooked lunch for fifty people today. Unfortunatly only twenty thre… -
Sunday Jun 11, 2006
Ok I found my bookmarks, just kinda wonder how long it's gonna take … -
Saturday Jun 10, 2006
AAARGH! I like the new look, anything with less pink in it is ok, bu… -
Saturday Jun 03, 2006
Going to a car show today, and I am taking a camera. We'll see if I … -
Wednesday May 31, 2006
Well, the dog is gonna make it. And my friends kid is in a world of … -
Friday May 26, 2006
Up all night with a sick dog. and not my dog either
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