Ha, I got to go shooting today, this time just for fun with my buddy from work, Holmie. we bought a box of clays, cause the only gun he's got is an old shotgun, and after we messed around with the .22's and the revolver I bought for dad, we did some clays off of the side of the mountain, just winged them off into space off of the cliff at my friend's ranch. That was the coolest thing I've done with a gun in a long long time.
I also found out that I am rather good with a shotgun. In all the years I've been shooting and hunting, I have not spent much time at all with shotguns. Nice to have a suprise like that every once in a while. I also had another cool suprise, right where we were shooting, a very nice bull elk was bedded down. when we got out of the jeep, he just kinda stood there and checked us out, like saying "this is my mountain, I'm not leaving just cause you got here". He beat feet when we started to unload the rifles, guess he wasn't stupid but I am not hunting for big game this year so he's safe. All in all a cool day.
I also found out that I am rather good with a shotgun. In all the years I've been shooting and hunting, I have not spent much time at all with shotguns. Nice to have a suprise like that every once in a while. I also had another cool suprise, right where we were shooting, a very nice bull elk was bedded down. when we got out of the jeep, he just kinda stood there and checked us out, like saying "this is my mountain, I'm not leaving just cause you got here". He beat feet when we started to unload the rifles, guess he wasn't stupid but I am not hunting for big game this year so he's safe. All in all a cool day.
Honestly there are things about the Grammy structure that I have no idea about, especially as far as like, the awards that David (chief engineer at the studio I'm interning at) has won. He's got walls of certificates for albums that he mastered that won Grammys, and he's also won several of the actual awards himself. Has the statuettes in his mastering room at the studio, pretty darn cool!
Basically, I'm not sure what categories the engineers actually share in the award for, when the song/album wins it, and what ones the music just wins and it happens to be something that the engineer worked on, so that's still cool. I bet when I send in the app and become and official NARAS member, that somewhere in the rules that stuff will get explained!
You know, I just realized, you probably mean "no Grammy for the Simpsons" as in Jessica and Ashlee... which goes to show you how little I even regard them, musically, when the tv show comes to mind first even in this context!
No worries, I can't say I think those and their ilk are deserving of any kind of artistic validation whatsoever. Maybe their engineers and producers, since albums by charting pop artists are often very big-budget and well-recorded, from the audio standpoint. I can't say about those girls' albums in particular, as I haven't listened to them beyond unfortunately hearing a single or two played here or there. But as for the "artists" themselves, no, no, no. No Grammy votes from me, nope, nothing of the sort!
[Edited on Nov 12, 2005 2:43AM]
I resisted the cell phone thing till just recently, and I agree that many people use their phones many places they shouldn't. When I worked at places and people would come up to the counter, while still talking, and expect me to ring them up without their ever acknowledging me, like I wasn't even really there... THAT got me. I would usually stand and ignore them till they got off the phone. They would get all huffy and say to the person they were talking to "I'll be RIGHT back" in this indignant tone, and give me dirty looks. It was my sort of petty revenge, I guess. I like my phone now that I have it, but I really don't want to have to deal with the company. Like, look, I owe you X dollars a month, I will pay my bill, you just get it right and leave me alone!