The other day i recieved a message from a SG that really offended me. As some of you know i have been collecting SG set worn items and started a collection. If SG would post them for sale i would try to purchace them, sometimes i would just message them asking if i couuld get them. I recieved a reply saying "don't send everyone the same message. We're a community of women, women talk about the creepy & weird messages we get. Your message gives the distinct impression of "give me something for free so it won't get worn and thrown away". That is creepy" . In responce i have never asked for anything for free. The one SG who did offer me something i asked here if she wanted any money for the item or shipping. Everything else i have paid for. As for the "worn and thrown away", with many of the SG's i've talked to the items they wear in their sets are part of their daily wardrobe. They still wear and wash them. Naturally over time clothes will get worn down and thrown away. I would just like to save the items befor that happens. The SG who sent me this message said "Every once in a while I might sell a piece. You're welcome to make an offer, or purchase one when I do sell one". it's ok for her to wear some clothes and get photographed taking them off and getting the photographes posted ono the internet for the world to see. At times she will sell the clothes yet it's creepy for me to ask if i might get an item from a set ? I have nothing but respect for the SG's and the art they provide/display. Some of the photos are just amazing with the use of light, color, or background. when ever talking to any SG i have always been polite and thanked them for any time they spend in reply to a message or looking for something or selling me something. I feel i have never been creepy ! i have never been sexual in any of my messages nor have i ever asked for any items to be unwashed. I simple just like what most of the SG's do. As a kid i collected baseball cards. As i grew older in did not want the cards but the jerseys and bats the players used and wore in the cards. The same applys here. I am a collector. Anybody can visit the SG site. Many even buy prints from SG's. Is it really wrong for me to collect set worn items ? If i have offended and SG with a request to purchace a set worn item i am very sorry. I did not intend to do that. All i want to do is save some of the SG's history. If any SG is really offended please just post a reply here and let me know. I am very happy to know if i am not wanted around here. 

Hey man, undies are as undies do. Or something, haha.
Just wanted to drop in and look at your growing collection. And just to say hello, as well.
Hope you are well!