I'm a bit irritated that I was woken up this morning and proceeded to forget the majority of what was a cool dream. I can remember the feeling of joy, and I remember a time traveling space car that could transform into a robot. But I cannot remember anything other than that. It's maddening, I have this feeling that the memory of this dream is stored away somewhere but my brain is fighting me. I want this memory but he's like, "It's not the right memory dude, leave it alone." But I contest, "If you bring me the memory I can know for sure, who are you to tell me it's not the right memory?" He says, "It's not what you're looking for, that's a different dream". "Just get it!", I yell. He's like, "C'mon man, it's all filed away, and besides, I'm on my lunch break". "FUCK YOU DUDE! We just ate lunch!", I respond. Then I drink some cheap grain liquor and that bitch regrets it in the morning.
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Sometimes what you think is actually what you know. -
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I forgot! I'm sorrrrrry! -
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Sunday Nov 06, 2011
Only human, yet I have proven, that like the tips of wings my mind an…
keep a notebook by your bed and write down anything you remember as soon as you wake up. lol. it helps with dream recall. ^_^