So today I just about had a panic attack. school is done in two weeks and Im about a week behind on my finnal drawings, 4 total to be exact. still havent finnished the first one. so after lulling in a depraved sense of dispair mixed with stabs of denial, I finnally mannaged to slap myself out of it.
the panic left, and lucididty and determination took its place. the adrenaline was stil there, and I got my shit together in time for class, which was productive & helpfull. I know now what I have known for some time now: "fear is the mind killer"
so long story short I probably wont be on here for the next two weeks so I can actually pull all the irons out of the fire in time. see everyone in a fortnight
the panic left, and lucididty and determination took its place. the adrenaline was stil there, and I got my shit together in time for class, which was productive & helpfull. I know now what I have known for some time now: "fear is the mind killer"
so long story short I probably wont be on here for the next two weeks so I can actually pull all the irons out of the fire in time. see everyone in a fortnight

oh I am using photoshop and wacom. I don't like painter much because there are too many options so I tend to just play with it and not get anything done 

good luck! my only advice: don't go insane