I'm back. A lot has changed since September. I visited friends in New York which brought back into mind Pratt Institute. So I applied and am going to start in the fall. So now I'm in the process of selling all my stuff (Anybody want to buy some furniture, let me know.) getting through my last semester at my my current school, and craming as...
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Hey man, just wanted to see if you've been working on any new paintings lately.
Hope things are good!
Hope things are good!
I move in on June 15! I can't wait. Thanks for offering your help. I don't know much about the city. I'd appreciate any help. thanks
So I havn't been very active on this here site for a couple months now and my finnances are extreamly tight so I must cut my expenses. In other words I will be on hiatus until further notice. Anyone who wishes to keep in touch should forward their e-mail to me.
stay ready, rock steady
stay ready, rock steady
Hey bro, totally understandable. feel free to look me up on myspace.com I use the same username there. Good luck!
man, i think you and i keep missing each other!
My finnals are officialy over, and the chronic tension in my jaw and annoying eye twich is already disipating. Not sure what to do with myself. I think I'll clean my studio and feed my

why were you struggling in illustration?
the band is called slammervirus.. we do hardcore electronic music. it's a really wicked live show. i have a lot of fun at them.
the band is called slammervirus.. we do hardcore electronic music. it's a really wicked live show. i have a lot of fun at them.
Dig your art album, very cool stuff. The drawing done after "Dancer in Repose" reminded me to drag out my Ruth Bernhard book, thanks for that. I almost got that pic tattooed on my thigh a few years ago. It would have looked cool but I'm glad I didn't, I've come to prefer original stuff over reproduction work. Anyway, hope you did well on your finals.
well only 60 hours left till I'm done with finals. I'm gonna be so cracked out by the time this is over.

soon, it will be over. then the debauchery begins.
thanks for the comment! and i'm not just a pretty face, i bet you i could make a swell hut out of palm leaves

So today I just about had a panic attack. school is done in two weeks and Im about a week behind on my finnal drawings, 4 total to be exact. still havent finnished the first one. so after lulling in a depraved sense of dispair mixed with stabs of denial, I finnally mannaged to slap myself out of it.
the panic left, and lucididty and...
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the panic left, and lucididty and...
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oh I am using photoshop and wacom. I don't like painter much because there are too many options so I tend to just play with it and not get anything done 

good luck! my only advice: don't go insane

last nght I went to a show at bottom of the hill. the Good Life was hedlining, & I have to say what a let down. actually they sucked. cursive is such a better band. compleatly uninspired, and get this, Tim Kasher (the lead singer) actually fishes for his own encore! what a tool. On the bright side one of the bands that opened for...
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yes, it is from Women, as a matter of fact. Good call. In fact, you're about 10 of 10 right now. You're on a roll, sweetie.
A prize?
What precisely do you have in mind?
What precisely do you have in mind?

So... I just watched "I heart huckabees" and it was off the plane (of exisistance)! I knew it was gonna be good just from the casting. I mean no studio exec came up with this odd ball group of character actors. I don't want ot spoil it for anyone (and I won't) so I'll just say this: this movie stradels the line of sillyness and...
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Know that you'll soon go crazy just like a whittling stick
hit by the coming daylight cut up in a quick succession
a pointed confession really stripped of all your armor
down to your very nature beneath the haze and vapor gaze
you're such a willing stick to beckon that wanting knife
you've been looking for it the right blade all your life
saying "who's gonna cut me down to a size that suits me?
is there a worthy sculptor among all you fine young knives?"
hit by the coming daylight cut up in a quick succession
a pointed confession really stripped of all your armor
down to your very nature beneath the haze and vapor gaze
you're such a willing stick to beckon that wanting knife
you've been looking for it the right blade all your life
saying "who's gonna cut me down to a size that suits me?
is there a worthy sculptor among all you fine young knives?"
What a splendid day! I think I'm finnally out of my winter hybernation- bout time since it's practically summer. when my alarm clock whent off I didn't even hit the snooze button. that hasn't happened since fall semester. I really gotta figure out a way to avoid that self inulgent, self destructive apathy. for now though, I'm glad to be on the the up stroke...
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helllooo! yes, we do have some music in common, right? let's share.

helllooo! yes, we do have some music in common, right? let's share.

I just got back from the Q and not U show... It Rocked! It was even better than when I saw them in october. Bigger club and the fact they weren't playing two shows in one day were probably key factors. anyhow If you have the means, I highly recomend picking them up (their show & albums).
i <3 q and not u.
nothng quite like the feel of somthing new...
... at least thats how I remember it. nothings really been new for a while. A lot of things are about to change but not for a bit and the're all things I can do nothing about for the time being. I'm crawling out of my skin, & have a vague incling to do somthing drastic just...
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... at least thats how I remember it. nothings really been new for a while. A lot of things are about to change but not for a bit and the're all things I can do nothing about for the time being. I'm crawling out of my skin, & have a vague incling to do somthing drastic just...
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thanks so much for your sweet comment on my set!
i HATE that feeling, knowing that things are about to change, it makes me feel so uneasy.......the anticipation is killing me!!

i HATE that feeling, knowing that things are about to change, it makes me feel so uneasy.......the anticipation is killing me!!

pics of me and friends