For two days now, I keep clicking on the update tab and having nothing to say...
I've been pretty bummed out. since finding out that I'm not getting the new job, my current job just seems so much worse. It's not really all that bad. It's just the same shit I've been doing for the last 4 years and I'm ready for something different. but anyway, I've 2 days off and I'm not gonna think about work anymore.
School is out. Summer is officially here. There is a little boy on the sidewalk across from my house and he's trying to bounce a basketball with his head.
I went to a really cute double wedding last Saturday. It was out at a private campground on a lake and the service was held at the dock. Then after they'd been married, the brides and grooms jumped into their boats and sped away.
I've been pretty bummed out. since finding out that I'm not getting the new job, my current job just seems so much worse. It's not really all that bad. It's just the same shit I've been doing for the last 4 years and I'm ready for something different. but anyway, I've 2 days off and I'm not gonna think about work anymore.
School is out. Summer is officially here. There is a little boy on the sidewalk across from my house and he's trying to bounce a basketball with his head.
I went to a really cute double wedding last Saturday. It was out at a private campground on a lake and the service was held at the dock. Then after they'd been married, the brides and grooms jumped into their boats and sped away.
If I was going to Moses Lake this year, I would be leaving in about ten minutes.

I have to work. I can't any time off because there is no one to replace me. I had to fire my assistant because he was stealing parts from my work.