Baby shoud be home soon!!!!!
sometime in the next couple of hours. I know it's late and i should be in bed because we're probably going to church tomorrow morning for mother's day (it makes mom really happy to see her kids at church) and i have to work all night. I'm gonna be dead tired, but i don't care. Babycat will be home soon and i'm staying up.
Well, the downstairs is looking pretty clean. except for the dining room which is a lost cause because all of my painting and craft projects are in there and nothing fits and there's nowhere to put things. I got so much garbage out of this house!!! it's insane! The living room looks all pretty, and the kitchen is FINALLY done. I have more dishes than I have room for which i never really realized before because i don't think i've ever had them all clean at the same time. I guess I should take all of my really ugly plates and bowls and give them back to Goodwill where I got them when I first moved out and didn't have any dishes. Maybe someone else who needs dishes will see them and realize how wonderfully ugly they are and give them a good home. Is is silly to keep dishes because they are so ugly you feel sorry for them?
I figured out mother's day presents. I made "stained glass" sun catchers for my moms. I got a whim this morning to try out that stained glass paint and it worked pretty well. Bought some cheap picture frames at the dollar store, painted the glass and decorated the frames. They'll look really cute hanging in a window. Pretty good for my first try with the stuff. My mom really liked hers. I had to give her her gift early because she's gonna be out of town tomorrow and I won't see her. so mom #1 was a success. we'll see about mom #2 tomorrow.
sometime in the next couple of hours. I know it's late and i should be in bed because we're probably going to church tomorrow morning for mother's day (it makes mom really happy to see her kids at church) and i have to work all night. I'm gonna be dead tired, but i don't care. Babycat will be home soon and i'm staying up.
Well, the downstairs is looking pretty clean. except for the dining room which is a lost cause because all of my painting and craft projects are in there and nothing fits and there's nowhere to put things. I got so much garbage out of this house!!! it's insane! The living room looks all pretty, and the kitchen is FINALLY done. I have more dishes than I have room for which i never really realized before because i don't think i've ever had them all clean at the same time. I guess I should take all of my really ugly plates and bowls and give them back to Goodwill where I got them when I first moved out and didn't have any dishes. Maybe someone else who needs dishes will see them and realize how wonderfully ugly they are and give them a good home. Is is silly to keep dishes because they are so ugly you feel sorry for them?
I figured out mother's day presents. I made "stained glass" sun catchers for my moms. I got a whim this morning to try out that stained glass paint and it worked pretty well. Bought some cheap picture frames at the dollar store, painted the glass and decorated the frames. They'll look really cute hanging in a window. Pretty good for my first try with the stuff. My mom really liked hers. I had to give her her gift early because she's gonna be out of town tomorrow and I won't see her. so mom #1 was a success. we'll see about mom #2 tomorrow.
Idoru > Golfing