My husband went on golfing trip with his dad. He's only been gone for a couple of hours now, but i'm already very lonely. What am i gonna do with the house to myself for 3 days? hmmm..... probably read a lot. and maybe get some more cleaning done. I am very slowly getting my house clean. I have no will to clean. it takes a lot of effort. but it's slowly getting done.
I haven't read 'Dream Catcher' thanks for the tip though. Have your read it? How is it?
I am reading 'Tale of Two Cities' right now because my bf's sister lent it to me, otherwise I would never read anything quite so long and complicated but I was thinking if a 17 year old could breeze through it so can I. It's taken me months to get through it though.
With tale of two cities, I think it's really interesting and has some juicy parts (yes juicy!) but a lot of it is hard to understand...just the wording, I have to read and re-read a bunch of paragraphs until I'm like, "Oh! I got it!".
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