so i guess it's time for an update.
god, i seriously don't do anything. my life is divided in half by work and sleep.
I think i need to start frequenting the library. i've been reading like crazy lately. i'll get a book and read it in a day or two, then spend the next week bored because i can't afford to just go buy a new book every time i finish one. is there something like Netflix but for books i wonder?
god, i seriously don't do anything. my life is divided in half by work and sleep.
I think i need to start frequenting the library. i've been reading like crazy lately. i'll get a book and read it in a day or two, then spend the next week bored because i can't afford to just go buy a new book every time i finish one. is there something like Netflix but for books i wonder?
My mother went to high school with "Bill," as she still calls him. He was in town a while back, doing a reading/signing for Pattern Recognition, and mother and I went. She brought her high school year book and showed him where he'd signed it all those years ago. He was poleaxed. Don't know if you've ever seen him in person, but he's a bit of a tall gawky sort, with unruly hair. It was funny to see him shocked like that. They didn't have much time to talk (long line behind us and all) but he signed books for me, her, and two other people they went to high school with, THEN he signed her yearbook again, drew a little sketch, and dated it.
Anyway. Just thought you might find it an interesting story...
A NetFlix for books would just be amazingly great!
Hehe...and thank YOU for the story about LadyK the car! I tend to talk to things, too, but I hardly ever name them. That might be a fun new "hobby" to try...naming my favorite inanimate objects!
BTW, you guessed correctly as to the origin of my isn't too original, I guess. But it works for me!