my profile needed some serious updating.
i can't stop reading Anne Rice. it's kind of a guilty pleasure. i finish one book and i start looking for something else to read. i swear to myself that i will find something by a different author to occupy my time, but i have no willpower. i keep finding more Anne Rice to read. i'm about halfway through Violin right now and it's taking my breath away. this book is so deep and textured and melancholy and beautiful. i fear for the ending. i hate it when good books end. i'm always dissapointed. i think what i fear most is that the story won't end. i hate it when i get all into a story and come the end of the book, there's no feeling of closure and no hope in sight for another book to continue the story and i'm just left hanging there wondering what the hell just happened.
i can't stop reading Anne Rice. it's kind of a guilty pleasure. i finish one book and i start looking for something else to read. i swear to myself that i will find something by a different author to occupy my time, but i have no willpower. i keep finding more Anne Rice to read. i'm about halfway through Violin right now and it's taking my breath away. this book is so deep and textured and melancholy and beautiful. i fear for the ending. i hate it when good books end. i'm always dissapointed. i think what i fear most is that the story won't end. i hate it when i get all into a story and come the end of the book, there's no feeling of closure and no hope in sight for another book to continue the story and i'm just left hanging there wondering what the hell just happened.
i hear ya! i hate that feeling as well... and who cares if you keep reading anne rice... as long as it is what you like... i mean you will run out of books of hers at some point lol... then you will have no choice..