had an eventfull day off for a change. usually i just sleep all day and do nothing. i woke up today and really wanted to paint something. my husband got some balloons for his birthday and they are all tied to the banister in the hallway looking all pretty and i kept seeing them and thinking... i need to get some color in this house. so i narrowed it down to painting the bedroom ceiling. went and got some paint samples. came home and we made a decision on the color, then went and bought the paint and rounded up all the painting supplies from my mom. came home, cleared out the room and just got to it. it's a really nice high gloss burgundy. i don't know what it is, but i think all flat ceilings should be really shiny. maybe it's silly, but i like it. so now i need to go put the second coat of paint on since it's a dark color and still looks patchy in places.
Just noticed....it surprised me.
that sounds like some motivation...where abouts in moses do you live?