i'd just like to point out that i'm up a whole 2 hours before noon.
and i'm really not happy about it.
and Blair called in sick today... so Paul just woke me up and told me to come in early. this is one of those days that i really hate being management. i hate it when the hardest day at work is the last day of the week and the next two days off just aren't enough time to recover.
*sigh* guess i'll go try to take a 5min shower and get my ass down there.

and Blair called in sick today... so Paul just woke me up and told me to come in early. this is one of those days that i really hate being management. i hate it when the hardest day at work is the last day of the week and the next two days off just aren't enough time to recover.
*sigh* guess i'll go try to take a 5min shower and get my ass down there.
not so much management as it is damage control and idiot wrangling. be easier if they let us managers carry sticks with which to "motivate" employees.