My lords.... its been a while since I've seen you.

You still tickle a fancy freely don't you? Ever the whimsical, ever the popular, ever the train hopper I saw you were before.

Speech is null and void, yet, you seem so earth bound.

You drank my sprite. It made you bubble.

Hello again.
Thank you very much for your comment on my set. I love your blog. Why does it seem so familiar?
Dont know. Maybe I write with familiars near me. smile
I realized you are watching me.
But all you had to do was talk to me.
The hunt, or haunting spree
That you lobbed at me,
Has got me shook like a floppy tree.
Look how I shake in my knobby knees.
But one things for certain,
I love my hottie creeps.
And right now, even if it is the cousin to death
I'm a...
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So theres tis girl at the local health food store, and shes really cute. I keep finding myself going in there several times a day, since I work right down the street from it, gawking at her.

Im such a voyeur.

Now, I know it sounds stalkish, but I am actually getting food at the place and eating it later, it just gives me an...
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haha, I feel like I'm at the opposite point in my life - I'm craving an emotional, not just physical, bond with someone. I'm tired of the same old cycle of meaningless sex, even more meaningless flings, things not working out... I've been doing that for too long now and all I want is just someone to laugh with, share things with, and who'll just fucking GET ME, you know? It seems so hard to find... maybe one day I'll get it right. teeheh.

xoxo, CC
Like most male, and females on here, I too am fascinated by the body, as well as the attitudes and personalities of a lot of the women that are on here. But one thing gets me, (besides the whole not being able to save archived sets to your favorites) is that, a lot of you LOVE WOMEN! I mean, dont get me wrong, girl on...
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For the record, I love men AND women. I'm fascinated with the penis and with boobies. I definitely love the human body - not only for what it looks like, but for what it can do... to me... teehee.

I don't know the answer to your question, but I hear ya... all I can say is enjoy all the pleasures that the human body can offer while you can! wink

xoxo, CC

PS. I LOVE Bettie Page too. What a bod. The original pin-up girl.
I cant remember what her names is
But its got a suicide attached to it
LIke a toaster toter came in
And dropped the bread burner
Where I bathe in.

These girls were cut from molds
LIke steel from a lathe is.
So unique, yet, so contagious,
Whether clothed or naked,
There so courageous
To get judged for displaying
Their most intimate places

I feel...
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Hey - got your message. What's up? What exactly do you wanna know about being happ-ee? wink
that's hot.
its good to hear from you again, i feel like its been a little bit.
that dare sounds hot too. chapped nipples. mmm.
Okay, I have a chip on my shoulder. Not a chip IN my shoulder, but a chip ON IT.

See, I was all fine and cool with Neko's sweetness catching all the lucky breaks, but now I gotta just vent.

Why can't we put archived pictures in our Favorite SG pics. There are several of GINGER's, as well as probably every set from NALA, that...
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yeah, i wish i could put pictures of fine ass archived nakid gurls all over my faves, but just think.... it only makes room for all the hotness that is to follow.

or, my other response, because god said so. or missy. same thing.

as far as lying.....
i'm having sex with two hot chicks as we speak. both of them with great asses. oh yeah, baby.
Well at least you aint doing it str8 for 5 hours...lol.... kiss
Okay, I have a chip on my shoulder. Not a chip IN my shoulder, but a chip ON IT.

See, I was all fine and cool with Neko's sweetness catching all the lucky breaks, but now I gotta just vent.

Why can't we put archived pictures in our Favorite SG pics. There are several of GINGER's, as well as probably every set from NALA, that...
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