looks to me like this day is just like the others, only in a different dimension, where we remember everything, but can't seem to figure out what the future will become.
i'm definately an advocate of alternative medicine. If anything, i think that in many cases it can be more accurate and efficient than the western "take a pill"- quickfix approach; at least it recognizes that any maladies one experiences are not a result of just one random fuckup in your system. hate to sound like a hippie (well, no, not really), but it's a way of life, doooood. everything you do affects every aspect of what you are. Even if some things are genetic (i.e. cancer), there are still things that you can do to prevent, and so forth. so yeah, agreed.
it seems like you know a thing or two. i might end up calling you.
it seems like you know a thing or two. i might end up calling you.
you're quite the ass man, i've noticed.