SATURDAY (tonight)
- shower
- laundry (ish)
- caffeinate self
- go to Hy-Town
- stay o'er to the boy's
- caffeinate self
- come home
- shower
- drive to Carver
- pay-per-view wrestling @ Steve's
- stay o'er to Steve's
- caffeinate self
- go to hair appt.
yay for chopping off all my hurr and dying it back to my natural dark blonde!
- come home
- finish up Veronica Mars season two on my comp
Busy, busy me. And I *must* get the digicam back from Bren.
- shower
- laundry (ish)
- caffeinate self
- go to Hy-Town
- stay o'er to the boy's
- caffeinate self
- come home
- shower
- drive to Carver
- pay-per-view wrestling @ Steve's
- stay o'er to Steve's
- caffeinate self
- go to hair appt.
yay for chopping off all my hurr and dying it back to my natural dark blonde!
- come home
- finish up Veronica Mars season two on my comp
Busy, busy me. And I *must* get the digicam back from Bren.
This new layout is a pain in my ass. Good luck with all the caffeinateing. Post some pics of the hair when it's done