Yeah...I get that. frown The pics look great though biggrin .
hey hun, I hear you on that....
Could somebody please explain to me why, exactly, guys are such fucking idiots?

They really know how to toy with your heart.

Damn 'em all to hell mad
hey...some of us are good. biggrin
What ever happened to the smart me? The insightful me? The philosopher me? Maybe it was all just teen angst. Either way, it was nice. Bulimia made me brain dead. Instead of stringing sentences together with grace, I stumble and stammer over simple words. Sure, I can tell you 2 + 2 = 4, but I can't tell you what 238823987218761826187615764 x 8 divided by...
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My best friend gave birth yesterday.

.. Alana Patricia Leary ... born February 10th, 2006 @ 3:16 AM. She's a whopping 8lbs, 5oz, 21 inches long..

I can't wait to see my sort've not niece.

News? I applied to UMass Dartmouth a couple days ago online. Now I have to send in all of my other crap; transcripts, letters of recommendation, essay, etc etc. Dear...
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Dorkus = me.

Yeah. That's about it.

The boy is moping in the living room for some odd reason. I think he's just tired.

We've been playing house the past few days, what with Dad being in Georgia and all. So I'm assuming this is supposed to be some sort of "bonding" time. Making dinner, going to bed, waking up next to each other, loving...
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Hey They said you were off the site so I crossed you off my friends list. Sorry. I'm glad you're back biggrin .
Good luck with youre SATs, nice pic biggrin
hilarious! muah! byebyebyebye! kiss kiss wink
Hey, thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set! kiss
Long time, no update.

Things are considerably good.

I think I'm having a very odd yet happy, "THE END"
LA is out.

The boy is back.

Drag out the box, pull out the old plan.

Now the hard part.

Follow through.
Hey. Where's Forestdale?
After much drama, I've decided to indefinitely move in January. I'll be finishing school here in Hell, then I'm off to wonderland to be with my love.

Damn him for moving so soon.

Damn myself for smoking too many cigarettes and making my throat raw.

And damn Super Skank for almost ruining everything.

Take that, bitch biggrin
Alright, I think I am at a breaking point. I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life.

The plan for LA will be difficult; Dad cries every time he sees me now. He doesn't want his little girl moving so far away.

Hopefully the boy will return. I am not ready to pack up and leave just yet. I will...
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