my bud Cory has arrived from Canada... ACE!!!
I have a weird sniffy, coughy thing going on (it can piss off)
got a 'vista' clone for windows xp (think i wanna marry it)
another fun weekend... thanks to the boys...
watching 'WAITING' if you havent seen it, then get off yr ass...
i am jacks heaving work schedule....
5 minutes alone would be great...
looking forward to getting tattooed....
stole this off frankie, thought you might wanna read...
~What time are you starting this? 10:52am
~Name? Robert Craig Hoskins
~Nicknames? gaylord. hotkok
~Date of birth? 31.12.73
~Sex? male
~Height? 510
~Eye color? blue
~Where were you born? lydney
~Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 32..
~Pets? Bitch
~Hair color? blonde
~Piercings? i nipple, 1 flesh tunnel per ear
~Town you live in? chelt of the nam
~Favorite foods? all of it (but onions and avocados can shit off)
~Ever been to Africa? morocco count?
~Been toilet papering? you mean farming?
~Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
~Been in a car accident? been hit by a few cars!
~Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits.
~Favorite day of the week? day off (whats that?)
~Favorite restaurant? Thai.
~Favorite flower? honeysuckle
~Favorite sport to watch? breast duelling
~Favorite drink? tea, beer, jager and redbull.
~Favorite ice cream flavor? all of it
~Warner bros. or Disney? Both.
~Carpet color in your bedroom? tiled floor
~How many times did you fail your drivers test? 3, coz im shit
~Whom did you get your last e-mail from? bangkok
~Which store would you max out your credit card? credit cards are more trouble than theyre worth
~Most annoying thing to say to me? how much for.....
~Bedtime? 1 - 2 am
~Favorite TV show? nip tuck, green wing, little britain
~Last person you went out to dinner with? the boys on sat.
~Been out of the country? more times than i care to remember
~Believe in magic? slut magic...
~Ford or Chevy? niether.. HUMMER POWER
~What are you listening to right now? stone temple pilots :days of the week.
~Have you ever failed a grade? yeah, im a slacker
~If you have what grade? crap
~Do you have a crush on someone? not right now..
~Do you have a gf/bf? nope.
~If so what is their name?
~How long have you been together?
~What are you wearing right now? t shirt, shorts
~Would you have sex before marriage? id try
~Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? not any more
~Are you a virgin? born again
~Do you smoke? Nope
~Do you drink? Yes.
~Are you ghetto? its all good in tha' hood
~Are you a player? nope
~What are your favorite colors? blue, red
~What is your favorite animal? dunno...
~Do you have any birthmarks? yeah 2
~Have you gotten your ass kicked? i dont think so.
~Who do you talk to most on the phone? bangkok, my sister.
~Have you ever been slapped? not without needing/ wanting it.
~Do you get online a lot? 24/7
~Are you shy or outgoing? ummm...
~Do you shower? Every day
~Do you hate school? at the time
~Do you have a social life? as of late, VERY YES.
~How easily do you trust people? not at all.
~Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? probably not.
~Would you skydive? yep
~Do you like to dance? not sober
~Have you ever been out of state? once or twice
~Do you like to travel? very way ticket anyone?
~Have you ever been expelled from school? nope
~Have you ever been suspended from school? yep
~Do you want to get out of your homework? nope, it pays my bills.
~Are you spoiled? im the spoiler..
~Are you a brat? far from it
~Have you ever been dumped? YES
~Have you ever gotten high? Yes.
~Do you like Snapple? .no
~Do you drink a lot of water? not as much as i should.
~What toothpaste do you use? white stuff... :/.
~Do you have a cell phone? yeah, its the shit.
~Do you have a curfew? no
~Who do you look up to? tall people
~Are you a role model? id hope not (or maybe a guide on how NOT to do things)
~Have you ever been to six flags or cedar point? Not yet.
~What name brand do you wear most? dickies,
~What kind of jewelry do you wear most? none
~What do you want pierced? nothing else, maybe the other nipple?
~Do you like taking pictures? yeah, but im crap.
~Do you like getting your picture taken? not as a rule.
~Do you have a tan? not yet
~Do you get easily annoyed? not annoyed, frustrated.
~Have you ever started a rumor? naa. lifes too short
~Do you have your own phone or phone line? Yes.
~Do you have your own pool? not yet
~Do you prefer boxers or briefs? Boxers.
~Do you have any siblings? 2 younger sisters <3
~Have you ever been played? yep
~Do you get along with your parents? my dad passed away, but yeah i guess with mum
~How do you vent your anger? ummm yr supposed to vent it?
~Have you ever run away? not yet...
~Have you ever been fired from a job? Yes, thankfully.
~Do you even have a job? yes, the best in the world.
~Do you daydream a lot? too much.
~Do you have a lot of ex's? not as many as i could have.
~Do you run your mouth? not as much as i should do.
~What do you want a tattoo of? my chest piece finished.
~How many tattoos do you have? more than you.
~What does youre ex gf/bf look like? awesome.
~What does your current crush look like?
~What is his/her name?
~Are you rude? not as much as i should be.
~What was the last compliment you received? you are awesome.
~Do you like getting dirty? what do you think.
~Are you flexible? to a point.
~What is your heritage? english/welsh/scottish
~What is your lucky number? 25
~What does your hair look like right now?crap
~Could you ever be a vegetarian? been and done it.
~Describe your looks? intimidating if you dont know me(so im told), but its all in the eyes.
~If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? blonde
~Would you ever date someone younger than you? yeah.
~Would you ever date someone older than you? yeah.
~When was the last time you were drunk? Sunday
~How many rings until you answer your phone? i'll call you back
~Have you ever been skinny dipping? yep
~If yes, when was the last time? over 10 years ago.
~When was the last time you went out on a date? its been a while
~Do you look more like your mother or father? mothers looks, fathers build
~Do you cry a lot? Not anymore.
~Do you ever cry to get your way? never.
~What phrase do you use most when on the phone? ace.
~Are you the romantic type? waay too much
~Have you ever been chased by the cops? yep
~What do you like most about your body? my legs, shoulders
~What do you like least about your body? my hair.
~When did you have your first crush? no idea
~When was the first time you threw up? when i was a baby i guess
~In the opposite sex do you prefer blondes or brunettes? both
~Do you ever wear shirts to show of your belly? not intentionally!!
~What about cleavage? all the time
~Is your best friend a virgin? born again maybe...
~Have you ever fucked someone up? yes, but theyve deserved it.
~Have you ever been fucked up? i cant see that happening.
~What theme does your room have? sleep.
~What size shoe do you wear? 10
~What is your screen name on AIM? idlehandsinc.
~How are you feeling right now? not bad, how are you?
~When was the last time you were at a party? every weekend.
~Have you ever given a lap dance? not sober
~Have you ever received one? maybe 1.... :/
~Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? yeah, that i know what im doing.
~What is one of your bad qualities? i get frustrated to quickly.
~What is one of your good qualities? i give all without expecting back.
~Would you marry for money? no
~What do you drive? the green machine
~Are you a fathers or mommas child? neither
~When was the last time you cried in school? never happened
~Would you ever hook up with the same sex? naaa
~What kind of music do you like? too much stuff
~Would you ever bungee jump? yep
~What is your worst fear? failing
~Would you ever join the army? yep (if i didnt tattoo id be in there right now)
~Do you like cows? not as much as they like me.
~If you were to die today what would you do? get rigor mortis, and stink up the place.
~If you had one last thing to say to someone before you die? you should never have left.
~Do you like to party? oh yes.
~Hearts or broken hearts? both
~Moon or stars? neither
~Coke or Pepsi? they taste the same.
~Favorite scent? issey miyake
~Favorite band? to many to think of
~Would you ever dye your hair red? been and done it.. then it went pink.
~How many languages do you speak? english...just
~What time are you finishing? why, where we going?
I have a weird sniffy, coughy thing going on (it can piss off)
got a 'vista' clone for windows xp (think i wanna marry it)
another fun weekend... thanks to the boys...
watching 'WAITING' if you havent seen it, then get off yr ass...
i am jacks heaving work schedule....
5 minutes alone would be great...
looking forward to getting tattooed....
stole this off frankie, thought you might wanna read...
~What time are you starting this? 10:52am
~Name? Robert Craig Hoskins
~Nicknames? gaylord. hotkok
~Date of birth? 31.12.73
~Sex? male
~Height? 510
~Eye color? blue
~Where were you born? lydney
~Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 32..
~Pets? Bitch
~Hair color? blonde
~Piercings? i nipple, 1 flesh tunnel per ear
~Town you live in? chelt of the nam
~Favorite foods? all of it (but onions and avocados can shit off)
~Ever been to Africa? morocco count?
~Been toilet papering? you mean farming?
~Loved someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
~Been in a car accident? been hit by a few cars!
~Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits.
~Favorite day of the week? day off (whats that?)
~Favorite restaurant? Thai.
~Favorite flower? honeysuckle
~Favorite sport to watch? breast duelling
~Favorite drink? tea, beer, jager and redbull.
~Favorite ice cream flavor? all of it
~Warner bros. or Disney? Both.
~Carpet color in your bedroom? tiled floor
~How many times did you fail your drivers test? 3, coz im shit
~Whom did you get your last e-mail from? bangkok
~Which store would you max out your credit card? credit cards are more trouble than theyre worth
~Most annoying thing to say to me? how much for.....
~Bedtime? 1 - 2 am
~Favorite TV show? nip tuck, green wing, little britain
~Last person you went out to dinner with? the boys on sat.
~Been out of the country? more times than i care to remember
~Believe in magic? slut magic...
~Ford or Chevy? niether.. HUMMER POWER
~What are you listening to right now? stone temple pilots :days of the week.
~Have you ever failed a grade? yeah, im a slacker
~If you have what grade? crap
~Do you have a crush on someone? not right now..
~Do you have a gf/bf? nope.

~If so what is their name?
~How long have you been together?
~What are you wearing right now? t shirt, shorts
~Would you have sex before marriage? id try
~Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? not any more
~Are you a virgin? born again
~Do you smoke? Nope
~Do you drink? Yes.
~Are you ghetto? its all good in tha' hood
~Are you a player? nope
~What are your favorite colors? blue, red
~What is your favorite animal? dunno...
~Do you have any birthmarks? yeah 2
~Have you gotten your ass kicked? i dont think so.
~Who do you talk to most on the phone? bangkok, my sister.
~Have you ever been slapped? not without needing/ wanting it.
~Do you get online a lot? 24/7
~Are you shy or outgoing? ummm...
~Do you shower? Every day
~Do you hate school? at the time
~Do you have a social life? as of late, VERY YES.
~How easily do you trust people? not at all.
~Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? probably not.
~Would you skydive? yep
~Do you like to dance? not sober
~Have you ever been out of state? once or twice
~Do you like to travel? very way ticket anyone?
~Have you ever been expelled from school? nope
~Have you ever been suspended from school? yep
~Do you want to get out of your homework? nope, it pays my bills.
~Are you spoiled? im the spoiler..
~Are you a brat? far from it
~Have you ever been dumped? YES
~Have you ever gotten high? Yes.
~Do you like Snapple? .no
~Do you drink a lot of water? not as much as i should.
~What toothpaste do you use? white stuff... :/.
~Do you have a cell phone? yeah, its the shit.
~Do you have a curfew? no
~Who do you look up to? tall people
~Are you a role model? id hope not (or maybe a guide on how NOT to do things)
~Have you ever been to six flags or cedar point? Not yet.
~What name brand do you wear most? dickies,
~What kind of jewelry do you wear most? none
~What do you want pierced? nothing else, maybe the other nipple?
~Do you like taking pictures? yeah, but im crap.
~Do you like getting your picture taken? not as a rule.
~Do you have a tan? not yet
~Do you get easily annoyed? not annoyed, frustrated.
~Have you ever started a rumor? naa. lifes too short
~Do you have your own phone or phone line? Yes.
~Do you have your own pool? not yet
~Do you prefer boxers or briefs? Boxers.
~Do you have any siblings? 2 younger sisters <3
~Have you ever been played? yep
~Do you get along with your parents? my dad passed away, but yeah i guess with mum
~How do you vent your anger? ummm yr supposed to vent it?
~Have you ever run away? not yet...
~Have you ever been fired from a job? Yes, thankfully.
~Do you even have a job? yes, the best in the world.
~Do you daydream a lot? too much.
~Do you have a lot of ex's? not as many as i could have.
~Do you run your mouth? not as much as i should do.
~What do you want a tattoo of? my chest piece finished.
~How many tattoos do you have? more than you.
~What does youre ex gf/bf look like? awesome.
~What does your current crush look like?
~What is his/her name?
~Are you rude? not as much as i should be.
~What was the last compliment you received? you are awesome.
~Do you like getting dirty? what do you think.
~Are you flexible? to a point.
~What is your heritage? english/welsh/scottish
~What is your lucky number? 25
~What does your hair look like right now?crap
~Could you ever be a vegetarian? been and done it.
~Describe your looks? intimidating if you dont know me(so im told), but its all in the eyes.
~If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? blonde
~Would you ever date someone younger than you? yeah.
~Would you ever date someone older than you? yeah.
~When was the last time you were drunk? Sunday
~How many rings until you answer your phone? i'll call you back
~Have you ever been skinny dipping? yep
~If yes, when was the last time? over 10 years ago.
~When was the last time you went out on a date? its been a while
~Do you look more like your mother or father? mothers looks, fathers build
~Do you cry a lot? Not anymore.
~Do you ever cry to get your way? never.
~What phrase do you use most when on the phone? ace.
~Are you the romantic type? waay too much
~Have you ever been chased by the cops? yep
~What do you like most about your body? my legs, shoulders
~What do you like least about your body? my hair.
~When did you have your first crush? no idea
~When was the first time you threw up? when i was a baby i guess
~In the opposite sex do you prefer blondes or brunettes? both
~Do you ever wear shirts to show of your belly? not intentionally!!
~What about cleavage? all the time
~Is your best friend a virgin? born again maybe...
~Have you ever fucked someone up? yes, but theyve deserved it.
~Have you ever been fucked up? i cant see that happening.
~What theme does your room have? sleep.
~What size shoe do you wear? 10
~What is your screen name on AIM? idlehandsinc.
~How are you feeling right now? not bad, how are you?
~When was the last time you were at a party? every weekend.
~Have you ever given a lap dance? not sober
~Have you ever received one? maybe 1.... :/
~Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? yeah, that i know what im doing.
~What is one of your bad qualities? i get frustrated to quickly.
~What is one of your good qualities? i give all without expecting back.
~Would you marry for money? no
~What do you drive? the green machine
~Are you a fathers or mommas child? neither
~When was the last time you cried in school? never happened
~Would you ever hook up with the same sex? naaa
~What kind of music do you like? too much stuff
~Would you ever bungee jump? yep
~What is your worst fear? failing
~Would you ever join the army? yep (if i didnt tattoo id be in there right now)
~Do you like cows? not as much as they like me.
~If you were to die today what would you do? get rigor mortis, and stink up the place.
~If you had one last thing to say to someone before you die? you should never have left.
~Do you like to party? oh yes.
~Hearts or broken hearts? both
~Moon or stars? neither
~Coke or Pepsi? they taste the same.
~Favorite scent? issey miyake
~Favorite band? to many to think of
~Would you ever dye your hair red? been and done it.. then it went pink.
~How many languages do you speak? english...just
~What time are you finishing? why, where we going?

Coffee machines are the future Lynn, kettles are saaaaad
"They're just consfusing, they're neither one thing or another"