1. As *nsync would say, God must have spent a little more time on you. What, exactly, did God spend more time on?
my arms and legs, theyre too heavy and large for a human.
2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it be and why? Also, what would the protestors do in protest, to show they think your war is evil?
id declare war on ignorance AND emo kids (nothing like spearheading a double war campaign)
firstly, ANYONE who asks if:
tattoos hurt, why would you do that to yourself, what do your parents think, but you'll never get a job, what will you do in the future, why did the chicken cross the road, why is eastenders still running, and any other random questions...
will be bludgeoned to death, by my legions of followers, who carry heavy blunt objects and sharp pointy things that hurt (think army of orcs, heavily tattooed but VERY pissed off), also bottles of dettol, to douse the fresh wounds...
secondly, ANY emo kids who:
are alive, breathe, have crap stripey anything (incl clothes and bags), buy too much hair gel, stink, have fat friends who want to be emo and have crap hair, have scruffy converse trainers, drink cans of red stripe and pretend to be drunk, stand within a 100 ft radius...
will be destroyed. by my new acquired fleet of little toys.
3. In the movie of your life, who would play you and who would play your lover?
who would play me... hmm... (nadine says) ed norton (american history x era) with more tattoos, and crap blonde hair.... as for my lover i'd say thora birch (with not much on)
4. What flavor of diet coke do you want next?
5. Insert picture of what you think is the best.hair.ever.
pure joy
6. If girls had penises and boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
mostly ladyboys
7. Have you ever farted in public? if so, what were the circumstances?
all the time but the best are usually the sly, quiet ones where you walk off and little ones squeak out as you walk away!
8. Tell one crazy I cant believe how drunk I was story.
goin back a few years, i was out with a few mates, had the usual kebab, and bumping into walls etc, get hom, take off clothes, get into bed...the room is spinning and the kebab is going the opposite way, i KNOW im goin to puke, so i run downstairs, naked, bumping into things, get to the bathroom door, just go to open it and i puke...all over the door, 90% stays on the door, 10% rebounds back on me, so im stood there, in the dark, half covered in puke and naked,... then i puke again on the way to the toilet bowl, slip on it, land face down on the floor and bang my head, so im covered in puke, led on the floor, naked with a bump on my head, in the dark,... so i pull myself off the floor, pull a towel off the rail, 'mop up' (i later find spread about) the puke, only to slip again in the floor puke, bang my ass, and start crying..... all in the dark.
9. Ideal Christmas stocking?
contains nuts.
10. Who is Britney Spears soul mate?
someone who isnt a fat drag queen (she has that covered)
11. What is the one book you think everyone should read?
of mice and men.
12. At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
19 st.
13. Ever puked and run?
well, puked and slipped.
14. Tell one too tired to finish masturbating story.
too tired? you must be kidding.
15. Write down three true facts, and one lie. Don't tell us which one is the lie.
diana dors was my aunty.
i am simon peggs brother.
i am related to bob hoskins.
my great great grandfather was heavyweight champion of the world.
16. Insert your favorite cute/cuddly picture
ahhh, bless.
17. If you cooked a dinner for someone you were head over heels in love with, what would you cook?
vegetable frittata.
18. If you had to write something on your forehead and walk around with it all day, what would it be?
run, while you still can.
19. What is your favorite piece of art, and would you please post a picture of it below?
too many to choose from, but:
top that.
20. Would you have sex with Xena, Warrior Princess? What would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
yes i would. it would be filthy..... and very quick.
21. Whats your favorite animal? Show us.
22. If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
blue. just coz.
23. What turns you on? If it invovles a ball gag, please describe.
24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'that's too personal' ?
25. Why are ball gags sexy?
coz you can freely dribble and have an excuse.
26. Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
27. What's the most painful thing you've ever had done to you/done to another person during sex?
like im gonna say without a lawyer.
28. If you had to be stranded for the rest of your life on a desert island and pick one person to go with you, would you pick someone you could really talk to or someone who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, youre a fucking whore.
id pick someone who could get us off the island (save me jeebus)
29. What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
that i gave a shit.
30. If you were/are a big dyke, would you wear the strap on or would your partner?
id wear the chin strap on.
my arms and legs, theyre too heavy and large for a human.
2. If you had to start your own war against something, what would it be and why? Also, what would the protestors do in protest, to show they think your war is evil?
id declare war on ignorance AND emo kids (nothing like spearheading a double war campaign)
firstly, ANYONE who asks if:
tattoos hurt, why would you do that to yourself, what do your parents think, but you'll never get a job, what will you do in the future, why did the chicken cross the road, why is eastenders still running, and any other random questions...
will be bludgeoned to death, by my legions of followers, who carry heavy blunt objects and sharp pointy things that hurt (think army of orcs, heavily tattooed but VERY pissed off), also bottles of dettol, to douse the fresh wounds...
secondly, ANY emo kids who:
are alive, breathe, have crap stripey anything (incl clothes and bags), buy too much hair gel, stink, have fat friends who want to be emo and have crap hair, have scruffy converse trainers, drink cans of red stripe and pretend to be drunk, stand within a 100 ft radius...
will be destroyed. by my new acquired fleet of little toys.
3. In the movie of your life, who would play you and who would play your lover?
who would play me... hmm... (nadine says) ed norton (american history x era) with more tattoos, and crap blonde hair.... as for my lover i'd say thora birch (with not much on)
4. What flavor of diet coke do you want next?
5. Insert picture of what you think is the best.hair.ever.
pure joy
6. If girls had penises and boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
mostly ladyboys
7. Have you ever farted in public? if so, what were the circumstances?
all the time but the best are usually the sly, quiet ones where you walk off and little ones squeak out as you walk away!
8. Tell one crazy I cant believe how drunk I was story.
goin back a few years, i was out with a few mates, had the usual kebab, and bumping into walls etc, get hom, take off clothes, get into bed...the room is spinning and the kebab is going the opposite way, i KNOW im goin to puke, so i run downstairs, naked, bumping into things, get to the bathroom door, just go to open it and i puke...all over the door, 90% stays on the door, 10% rebounds back on me, so im stood there, in the dark, half covered in puke and naked,... then i puke again on the way to the toilet bowl, slip on it, land face down on the floor and bang my head, so im covered in puke, led on the floor, naked with a bump on my head, in the dark,... so i pull myself off the floor, pull a towel off the rail, 'mop up' (i later find spread about) the puke, only to slip again in the floor puke, bang my ass, and start crying..... all in the dark.
9. Ideal Christmas stocking?
contains nuts.
10. Who is Britney Spears soul mate?
someone who isnt a fat drag queen (she has that covered)
11. What is the one book you think everyone should read?
of mice and men.
12. At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
19 st.
13. Ever puked and run?
well, puked and slipped.
14. Tell one too tired to finish masturbating story.
too tired? you must be kidding.
15. Write down three true facts, and one lie. Don't tell us which one is the lie.
diana dors was my aunty.
i am simon peggs brother.
i am related to bob hoskins.
my great great grandfather was heavyweight champion of the world.
16. Insert your favorite cute/cuddly picture
ahhh, bless.
17. If you cooked a dinner for someone you were head over heels in love with, what would you cook?
vegetable frittata.
18. If you had to write something on your forehead and walk around with it all day, what would it be?
run, while you still can.
19. What is your favorite piece of art, and would you please post a picture of it below?
too many to choose from, but:
top that.
20. Would you have sex with Xena, Warrior Princess? What would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
yes i would. it would be filthy..... and very quick.
21. Whats your favorite animal? Show us.
22. If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
blue. just coz.
23. What turns you on? If it invovles a ball gag, please describe.
24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'that's too personal' ?
25. Why are ball gags sexy?
coz you can freely dribble and have an excuse.
26. Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
27. What's the most painful thing you've ever had done to you/done to another person during sex?
like im gonna say without a lawyer.
28. If you had to be stranded for the rest of your life on a desert island and pick one person to go with you, would you pick someone you could really talk to or someone who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, youre a fucking whore.
id pick someone who could get us off the island (save me jeebus)
29. What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
that i gave a shit.
30. If you were/are a big dyke, would you wear the strap on or would your partner?
id wear the chin strap on.

I can't believe I was the first to budge but found out when I went into the shop that he had been trying to find me but I kept moving...I'm so glad hes gonna finish my arms. I want loads of work by others but wanted only him to finish what we started (tattoo wise) and having unfinished arms is distracting because I always stare at it and think UNDONE. We haven;t really talked just him and I in private yet..that will be something, the last time I saw him was two years ago at five in the morning all high and inappropriate..I left in a hurry and never saw them again, and no one knows but him and I, I hope that we can ignore that and go back to just being close friends without weirdness but we'll see huh?
I think he must hide them in dolls houses then fill them with foam and have them shipped.