My friend in the greedy music biz sent me the new Boards of anada not to be released until Oct 17 - the campfire headphase is the album and it is amazing...if you don't like it I wouldn't like you. I'm that way. If someone doesn't like something I feel passion for, I just quietly slip away...
Big day today. Had to put on a demonstration lesson for an English supervisor whom happens to have written one of my mother's favorite books "the power of the powerless". It went well; I taught a very short 2 page story to indifferent 9th graders who just stared at me like I was some being from another planet - I was dying up there like a bad comedian...yeah, all that and I still say I was fine because all of that standard procedure bullshit is done to see if you can take command of the class, read well aloud (which I did with a southern twang), and get the kids involved. Only 40% were involved, the rest probably barely spoke english. I read this hauntingly beautiful story "what the river told us to do" about two brothers wh....well, read it on the internet, it's good. Peter Markus is the author.
I am sitting here waiting for a call...suppose to head out at 11. Saturday my best friend gets married and it will be a high school reunion of sorts. Lots of drunk and stoned 32 year olds...I must be careful and remember to "stay in the cage."
This album is tops! Buy it Oct 17 2005

Big day today. Had to put on a demonstration lesson for an English supervisor whom happens to have written one of my mother's favorite books "the power of the powerless". It went well; I taught a very short 2 page story to indifferent 9th graders who just stared at me like I was some being from another planet - I was dying up there like a bad comedian...yeah, all that and I still say I was fine because all of that standard procedure bullshit is done to see if you can take command of the class, read well aloud (which I did with a southern twang), and get the kids involved. Only 40% were involved, the rest probably barely spoke english. I read this hauntingly beautiful story "what the river told us to do" about two brothers wh....well, read it on the internet, it's good. Peter Markus is the author.
I am sitting here waiting for a call...suppose to head out at 11. Saturday my best friend gets married and it will be a high school reunion of sorts. Lots of drunk and stoned 32 year olds...I must be careful and remember to "stay in the cage."
This album is tops! Buy it Oct 17 2005

i'm not sure if i'll be there yet. mostly depends on the school workload that weekend. one of these day, though, i'm sure.
they are awesome, do you like godspeed you black emporer! too?
heh it'd be funny if you came to canada the same time i came to new york. i'm hoping to save up enough money for a real vacation this christmas....