Today, how many American's do you think used the phrase/words: "Hump Day"
A - What day is it?
B -Hump day?
A -What's that?
B -Wednesday.
A -Oh
Only humps say that.
Interview yesterday, it went well, and if I didn't get the position, then I seriously need to look at my interviewing skills. In fact, I have, and I am contradicting myself. I might have fucked it up, intentionally as I have been known to do.
I have this compulsion to go on when I should shut the fuck up. It was for an English position and all was going well, until I said "I am by no means perfect, for instance, I need to brush up on my British Lit and more of Shakespeare later works." What was I thinking. (Napolean Dynamite voice) IDIOT!!!
The head of the English Dept, who was my age, and leaving to become a VP, seemed cool and told me before the principal arrived in the interview room that I am the last interview and they have seen nothing but deadbeats...that the odds were in my favor. Who knows? I just need a gig, and I am a hypocrite I know because I didn't want to go back into education but when the bills keep coming, when you need a new a[artment, and a new car...well, teaching Beowulf and correcting papers doesn't seem too bad.
So I am listening to Charles Bukoski reading poetry from old live shows I downloaded on BitLord. Great shit.
Hope all is well of HUMP DAY!!!!!!!
see you later
A - What day is it?
B -Hump day?
A -What's that?
B -Wednesday.
A -Oh
Only humps say that.
Interview yesterday, it went well, and if I didn't get the position, then I seriously need to look at my interviewing skills. In fact, I have, and I am contradicting myself. I might have fucked it up, intentionally as I have been known to do.
I have this compulsion to go on when I should shut the fuck up. It was for an English position and all was going well, until I said "I am by no means perfect, for instance, I need to brush up on my British Lit and more of Shakespeare later works." What was I thinking. (Napolean Dynamite voice) IDIOT!!!
The head of the English Dept, who was my age, and leaving to become a VP, seemed cool and told me before the principal arrived in the interview room that I am the last interview and they have seen nothing but deadbeats...that the odds were in my favor. Who knows? I just need a gig, and I am a hypocrite I know because I didn't want to go back into education but when the bills keep coming, when you need a new a[artment, and a new car...well, teaching Beowulf and correcting papers doesn't seem too bad.
So I am listening to Charles Bukoski reading poetry from old live shows I downloaded on BitLord. Great shit.
Hope all is well of HUMP DAY!!!!!!!
see you later

I'm not asking you to kiss ass... But yeah I thought your comment was rude.
Sue me.