Im writting this post to tell you guys that im going out of SG world. I discovered i dont need this anymore, my body, mind and spirit are concerned about other things in life. this has been a personal and private decision, nothing in here was ever bad to me, it was awesome btw. But its time to move on. im going with my heart full of gratitude about all the beautiful things that I found here, all the nice words u guys told me, all the beautiful souls i met, and all the personal growth SG let me have. You guys rock, dont you ever forget that! you are awesome, just becouse you exist ❤️
my instagram account will be still active, if you ever want someone to talk to, need an advice, want a kind word, look for me, I will be honored with a message. (just let me know you are from here, theres still a lot of perverts looking for me just to get "some nudes")
I wish you all the best of the best, hope you find something to smile every day, hope you love with all your heart, hope you be perfectly happy and relaxed all the time, hope you have everything you need, hope you can become a beautiful being every day.
with infinite love,
Idalia. ❤️
my ig: @colibribri_