Hey all.
Well it's been ever so much fun recently, what with not having an actual toilet in my house for the past three days!!
I did, however, have a toilet on the premises. In the back garden.
Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'Outdoor Loo'
Having the entire bathroom 'done up' means having it all ripped out and being without for days.
Though they've managed to plumb in the toilet n bath now...
I can stop fretting now really. And I no longer have to pee out in my back garden into an old milk carton then pour it down the sewer drain.
Let me tell you, ever want a serious fright? Pee into a litre carton after holding it for 13 hours. You get to about 800-850ml and shit yourself that you'll fill it up and pee all over the floor.
But you don't. Thank god.
(There shall be no pic of that!!)
So to occupy myself while I had to babysit a set of builders and prevent them rooting through my underware drawers and wank off to pictures of my cousins....or me....*shudder*....I dismantled my guitar, cleaned, polished and configured it.
Not as easy a task as you might think. An electric guitar has over 425 individual pieces. Ok I made that up, but it feels like it!
There are too many things to unscrew
Pity you can't unscrew some ex-girlfriends!
Redoing the wiring is a shit-sandwich
Parts end up higgildy-piggildly!
To be honest I just wanted an excuse to type higgildy-piggildy!
And no, that's not a huge giant purple condom wrapper there! I wish it was though
Overall it now kicks 175% more ass than it did before, mainly by replacing the wiring and readjusting the pickups.
They now rock more ass than Jennifer Lopez's swing chair!
Worked out the new Foo Fighters single, Best of You, and it's B-Side. Then 5 tracks of the new System Of A Down album.
Then a handful or tracks from the radio. All until my fingers started to give in and collapse in on themselves.
Meaning my love life is screwed!
Hope you all have a good day!
Well it's been ever so much fun recently, what with not having an actual toilet in my house for the past three days!!
I did, however, have a toilet on the premises. In the back garden.

Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'Outdoor Loo'
Having the entire bathroom 'done up' means having it all ripped out and being without for days.
Though they've managed to plumb in the toilet n bath now...

I can stop fretting now really. And I no longer have to pee out in my back garden into an old milk carton then pour it down the sewer drain.
Let me tell you, ever want a serious fright? Pee into a litre carton after holding it for 13 hours. You get to about 800-850ml and shit yourself that you'll fill it up and pee all over the floor.
But you don't. Thank god.

(There shall be no pic of that!!)
So to occupy myself while I had to babysit a set of builders and prevent them rooting through my underware drawers and wank off to pictures of my cousins....or me....*shudder*....I dismantled my guitar, cleaned, polished and configured it.
Not as easy a task as you might think. An electric guitar has over 425 individual pieces. Ok I made that up, but it feels like it!

There are too many things to unscrew
Pity you can't unscrew some ex-girlfriends!

Redoing the wiring is a shit-sandwich

Parts end up higgildy-piggildly!
To be honest I just wanted an excuse to type higgildy-piggildy!
And no, that's not a huge giant purple condom wrapper there! I wish it was though

Overall it now kicks 175% more ass than it did before, mainly by replacing the wiring and readjusting the pickups.
They now rock more ass than Jennifer Lopez's swing chair!
Worked out the new Foo Fighters single, Best of You, and it's B-Side. Then 5 tracks of the new System Of A Down album.
Then a handful or tracks from the radio. All until my fingers started to give in and collapse in on themselves.
Meaning my love life is screwed!


Hope you all have a good day!

I will definitely agree my chair is a lot of my problem. I am working on trying to find a solution for that, actually. he he. Great minds think alike!
Too bad about the tart. But I could see you as being impossible to say no to.
Nice toilet. Is that a starfish?