Right, I have had 0 adventures over the past few days, which to be honest is a little dissapointing compared to my previous few weeks.
Maybe it's because I didn't actually go outside or drink..or...leer at attractive women.
I do have a dilemma though, wether to get my hair cut or not. Mainly cause the last time I did I was scalped, which is something I don't want to be for my little birthday shindig. (sounds like a nasty way of hurting peoples legs actually)
However the mop is getting somewhat untidy and very long on top, meaning if I spike it, I add about 5 inches to my present height.
It then tends to get caught in ceiling fans, lamps, door mechanisms, overhead heaters...fly paper.
Alot of things.
So, having remembered my last brush with a overhead heater and that nasty singe smell (and the brief human torch impression), I've just decided to get it chopped...
It's the style thats bugging me. Do I stay safe with the same thing or try something else (which I dearly want). However I haven't really seen other styles around of late.
It's so bad I'm now wearing a HAT! Boo! Hiss!
God that pic makes my nose look humoungus!
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Bah I sound camper than a caravan park.
It won't really matter though, I'll be too drunk to really care tomorrow anyway. (at least that's the plan).
Anywho....as you can see, there has been a lull in the humour department. Normal service will be restored when possible.
ACK. Mental note: Do not scratch a cut on your nose after using industrial cleaner on your sink and kitchen.
Though I hear searing pain is in this season so I'm fashionable as I writhe here on the floor.
Dear GOD that smarts.
Only thing worse was when I put my contact lens in after eating chilli peanuts.
*eye waters at the memory*
Actually,just thinking, one of my favourite cousins will be coming out (oh god, I just saw that pun, I didn't mean it really) tomorrow. He is probably the campest fairy on the christmas tree.
It also means his best friend will be as well....which will make things quite interesting as the last time he was around he developed a massive crush on me, declared his unending eternal desire one night and pretty much started crying.
Why do people always fall for what they can't have? Hehe. Well I haven't seen the guy since I turned him down politely (no need to screw with someones feelings) and then spent the night catching him staring at my crotch.
Should be one more bit to spice to the mix. One of my friends girl already thinks I'm gay anyway it seems (mainly due to the fact I have dress sence apparently)
This should send he over the edge
Will be fun fun fun. She's a total homophobe. I hate those people.
Maybe it's because I didn't actually go outside or drink..or...leer at attractive women.
I do have a dilemma though, wether to get my hair cut or not. Mainly cause the last time I did I was scalped, which is something I don't want to be for my little birthday shindig. (sounds like a nasty way of hurting peoples legs actually)
However the mop is getting somewhat untidy and very long on top, meaning if I spike it, I add about 5 inches to my present height.
It then tends to get caught in ceiling fans, lamps, door mechanisms, overhead heaters...fly paper.
Alot of things.
So, having remembered my last brush with a overhead heater and that nasty singe smell (and the brief human torch impression), I've just decided to get it chopped...
It's the style thats bugging me. Do I stay safe with the same thing or try something else (which I dearly want). However I haven't really seen other styles around of late.

It's so bad I'm now wearing a HAT! Boo! Hiss!
God that pic makes my nose look humoungus!
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Bah I sound camper than a caravan park.
It won't really matter though, I'll be too drunk to really care tomorrow anyway. (at least that's the plan).
Anywho....as you can see, there has been a lull in the humour department. Normal service will be restored when possible.
ACK. Mental note: Do not scratch a cut on your nose after using industrial cleaner on your sink and kitchen.
Though I hear searing pain is in this season so I'm fashionable as I writhe here on the floor.
Dear GOD that smarts.
Only thing worse was when I put my contact lens in after eating chilli peanuts.
*eye waters at the memory*
Actually,just thinking, one of my favourite cousins will be coming out (oh god, I just saw that pun, I didn't mean it really) tomorrow. He is probably the campest fairy on the christmas tree.
It also means his best friend will be as well....which will make things quite interesting as the last time he was around he developed a massive crush on me, declared his unending eternal desire one night and pretty much started crying.
Why do people always fall for what they can't have? Hehe. Well I haven't seen the guy since I turned him down politely (no need to screw with someones feelings) and then spent the night catching him staring at my crotch.
Should be one more bit to spice to the mix. One of my friends girl already thinks I'm gay anyway it seems (mainly due to the fact I have dress sence apparently)
This should send he over the edge

Will be fun fun fun. She's a total homophobe. I hate those people.

But I can leer with the best of them.
*leers at you*
Have fun with the homophobe. Ick.