Update time I think ,
wouldn't it be weird if I,
wrote this in haiku?
I am so hungover,
But I didn't drink that much,
At least I thought so.
I recall singing,
the killers I think it was,
and some nirvana.
While downing some shots,
Oh god I did drink too much,
That explains alot.
Shouted along to,
some rage against the machine,
all in some small club.
Oogled some girl types,
nice legs on a few of them,
not interested.
Spent way too much cash,
on nothing in particular,
except costly beer.
Had such a great time,
forgot about everything,
like unemployment.
I so need a girl,
I need more fashion advice,
thats a lie actually.
Went to the gym too,
my chest and arms hurt right now,
but no pain no gain.
Went to get fitter,
cant run that much anymore,
used the treadmill too.
Have my six pack again,
it was fading away you know,
but its not too harsh.
Most girls dont care,
that is not why I got it,
its not that useful.
You can not write jokes,
that easily in this format,
it is annoying.
How bored am I eh?
This is getting quite tiresome,
to tell you the truth.
Was a fun challenge,
there are probably mistakes,
but I dont quite care.
wouldn't it be weird if I,
wrote this in haiku?
I am so hungover,
But I didn't drink that much,
At least I thought so.
I recall singing,
the killers I think it was,
and some nirvana.
While downing some shots,
Oh god I did drink too much,
That explains alot.
Shouted along to,
some rage against the machine,
all in some small club.
Oogled some girl types,
nice legs on a few of them,
not interested.

Spent way too much cash,
on nothing in particular,
except costly beer.
Had such a great time,
forgot about everything,
like unemployment.
I so need a girl,
I need more fashion advice,
thats a lie actually.
Went to the gym too,
my chest and arms hurt right now,
but no pain no gain.
Went to get fitter,
cant run that much anymore,
used the treadmill too.
Have my six pack again,
it was fading away you know,
but its not too harsh.
Most girls dont care,
that is not why I got it,
its not that useful.
You can not write jokes,
that easily in this format,
it is annoying.
How bored am I eh?
This is getting quite tiresome,
to tell you the truth.
Was a fun challenge,
there are probably mistakes,
but I dont quite care.

are you picturing a dark sort of post _______ vision of reality, bladerunnerish?
and it is truly funny that you chose a potato motif. there is at least a chapter there for me as i could give you a substantial dissertation on the potato, which is ironic.
thank you for your feedback. i love the paragraph about the blink of an eye.
what time is it there?
my last real job was in a french fry factory in chin, alberta. ha. i have many potato analogies.
i never really got bladerunner. i understood it better after reading nueromancer. i believe they both bubbled up out of the collective unconscious at about the same time.
i don't do evil well.