I felt I should update but I've not much to say and I've hit a barren patch creativly. So bland banality follows. Please be aware by reading this you have agreed to absolve me of any responsibility for boring the sodding tits off you. This includes any mental or physical health issues this may give rise to. ICY is an equal oppertunities bore. No purchase necessary. For written terms and details send a postcard with your name and address to 14 Uninspiried Builings, Listless Twat Road, Medirocity.
I need a job. But I loathe the idea of being in I.T.
I need a gf. But I have no social avenues that I can see.
I need a place of my own. But lack the funds to get me there.
I need a break. But my bills don't seem to care.
Edit: God this is terrible...my heartiest apologies
I need to sort my head out. But my subconcious doesn't like me.
I need my brothers jacket. But all he said was 'bite me'.
I need a kick up the arse. But all I get is the literal kind.
I need some creativity. But I seem to talk in rhyme.
Dammit I'm doing it again....damn rhyming...*grumble*
Didn't even realise I was doing for a while. Happens now and then. People think I actually deliberatly do it. Ask if I think I'm rapping. Sometimes it just happens.
It's a disorder (according to me), bloody inconvenient (I think you'll agree).
I think this is my brains way of telling me I need a job where I can be creative. That's certainly not where I've ended up so far.
I sat down at like 4am to watch T.V. (as usual, my body clock in on tokyo time - always happens when I'm unemployed). And something unsettling happened.
The O.C. was on, and it was about the only thing that wasn't trying to sell me something.
So I watched it for a bit. My those are all some attractive people.
But I digress. What did I discover while watching it you ask, dear readers? (Who am I kidding, 'reader'....if I'm lucky). Well when everything turned to crap for everyone on Valentines day. They played a Bell X1 song.
'Eve, The Apple of My Eye'
Apart from the shock of hearing a small band from Ireland's song on the show, it was the fucking song my ex-gf used to play whenever I came over.
Was 'our song'. Apparently. I mean, we met at a Bell X1 gig when they were playing it.
Plus it's got this other Eve and the Garden of Eden stuff related to it which was another theme that hit us in some very odd coincidences. Which ment something.
With the theme of everyone on the show being miserable and alone (not unlike your dear author), I couldn't help but suddently feel quite quite lonely myself.
Although it did have a lesbian kiss during it. However that couldn't quite make up for it,almost, but not quite. (If there was tounge...maybe)
It's a fucking soap-opera. Damn tweaking of my emotions.
I'll write an indigant email to the shows producers and to Bell X1 for their...oh who am I'm kidding.
The main problem is that this is the ex who's been texting me and has begun to drive me mad again.
Anyway. The creative side of me is starting to kick out again. I like that. Usually cheers me up to get something done or written.
As you might be able to tell.
Edit Additional: (I always do this)
That all sounds depressing and heart felt. God that's not me at all. At least not while in this mood.
Mood = hyper
I have decided to get my body clock back on normal time, instead of sleeping at 5-6am. So I've stayed up all night and plan to continue my non-slumber until I pass out. Hopefully meaning I sleep through the dark times and stay awake during the light times. I think that's the concept anyway.
I have never been this awake/smily/happy/energetic at this time of the morning EVER! It's scarey.
I felt I should update but I've not much to say and I've hit a barren patch creativly. So bland banality follows. Please be aware by reading this you have agreed to absolve me of any responsibility for boring the sodding tits off you. This includes any mental or physical health issues this may give rise to. ICY is an equal oppertunities bore. No purchase necessary. For written terms and details send a postcard with your name and address to 14 Uninspiried Builings, Listless Twat Road, Medirocity.
I need a job. But I loathe the idea of being in I.T.
I need a gf. But I have no social avenues that I can see.
I need a place of my own. But lack the funds to get me there.
I need a break. But my bills don't seem to care.
Edit: God this is terrible...my heartiest apologies
I need to sort my head out. But my subconcious doesn't like me.
I need my brothers jacket. But all he said was 'bite me'.
I need a kick up the arse. But all I get is the literal kind.
I need some creativity. But I seem to talk in rhyme.
Dammit I'm doing it again....damn rhyming...*grumble*
Didn't even realise I was doing for a while. Happens now and then. People think I actually deliberatly do it. Ask if I think I'm rapping. Sometimes it just happens.
It's a disorder (according to me), bloody inconvenient (I think you'll agree).
I think this is my brains way of telling me I need a job where I can be creative. That's certainly not where I've ended up so far.
I sat down at like 4am to watch T.V. (as usual, my body clock in on tokyo time - always happens when I'm unemployed). And something unsettling happened.
The O.C. was on, and it was about the only thing that wasn't trying to sell me something.
So I watched it for a bit. My those are all some attractive people.
But I digress. What did I discover while watching it you ask, dear readers? (Who am I kidding, 'reader'....if I'm lucky). Well when everything turned to crap for everyone on Valentines day. They played a Bell X1 song.
'Eve, The Apple of My Eye'
Apart from the shock of hearing a small band from Ireland's song on the show, it was the fucking song my ex-gf used to play whenever I came over.
Was 'our song'. Apparently. I mean, we met at a Bell X1 gig when they were playing it.
Plus it's got this other Eve and the Garden of Eden stuff related to it which was another theme that hit us in some very odd coincidences. Which ment something.
With the theme of everyone on the show being miserable and alone (not unlike your dear author), I couldn't help but suddently feel quite quite lonely myself.
Although it did have a lesbian kiss during it. However that couldn't quite make up for it,almost, but not quite. (If there was tounge...maybe)
It's a fucking soap-opera. Damn tweaking of my emotions.
I'll write an indigant email to the shows producers and to Bell X1 for their...oh who am I'm kidding.
The main problem is that this is the ex who's been texting me and has begun to drive me mad again.
Anyway. The creative side of me is starting to kick out again. I like that. Usually cheers me up to get something done or written.
As you might be able to tell.
Edit Additional: (I always do this)
That all sounds depressing and heart felt. God that's not me at all. At least not while in this mood.
Mood = hyper
I have decided to get my body clock back on normal time, instead of sleeping at 5-6am. So I've stayed up all night and plan to continue my non-slumber until I pass out. Hopefully meaning I sleep through the dark times and stay awake during the light times. I think that's the concept anyway.
I have never been this awake/smily/happy/energetic at this time of the morning EVER! It's scarey.