I shall repeat that sentiment as I feel I need to.
Damn hangover
Went out for a "few drinks"(when is it ever just a few?!) with my friend Lee last night. Whenever we are together things usually end up drunken and stupid.
As in....doing really really stupid things.
Like....oh I dunno...breaking into a construction site renovating a hotel in town, climb,piss about, go onto the roof and walk about taking pics for a laugh..
Silly silly silly sillly....mainly cause if we get caught it's not 'youthful exhuberence', it's tresspassing by someone in their 20's...
Plus the danger, but that was all part of the fun.
I did cut my leg bad though on some glass, had to superglue the cut together at home. Not wide enough for stitches but too deep to just wash and dress it.
And now I have to go to his sisters 21st party in now!
His gf shouldn't really let us get tother on our own. It's a recepie for disaster.
Or fun.
But usually disaster.
Oh and I destroyed my leather jacket in the hi-jinks. Scratches, dust, rust, crap I've never seen....etc.
No more of that! (that's what I said last time actually)
I shall repeat that sentiment as I feel I need to.

Damn hangover

As in....doing really really stupid things.
Like....oh I dunno...breaking into a construction site renovating a hotel in town, climb,piss about, go onto the roof and walk about taking pics for a laugh..

Silly silly silly sillly....mainly cause if we get caught it's not 'youthful exhuberence', it's tresspassing by someone in their 20's...
Plus the danger, but that was all part of the fun.
I did cut my leg bad though on some glass, had to superglue the cut together at home. Not wide enough for stitches but too deep to just wash and dress it.

And now I have to go to his sisters 21st party in now!
His gf shouldn't really let us get tother on our own. It's a recepie for disaster.
Or fun.
But usually disaster.
Oh and I destroyed my leather jacket in the hi-jinks. Scratches, dust, rust, crap I've never seen....etc.
No more of that! (that's what I said last time actually)

Superglue is my favorite way to solve bleeding issues. Or duct tape.
Have a great time tonight, and be safe.
God. I bet they would use my razor and get hair caught in between blades...ick!! You can keep them!!!!!
Glad to hear the rest of your organs stayed in your body. You really do not need a is just extra baggage as far as I'm concerned. I mean, really. What does that big bag of nastiness do? Same for the gallbladder...and the appendix!? WTF?
Ladies and Gentlemen the Captain has turned on the WTF light, would all passengers please return to their seats, and fasten your safety belts. Once we are clear of the WTF, the captain will again turn off the WTF light, and you will be allowed to roam about the cabin. Thank you for your cooperation.