Holy crap that was a crazy easter-period.
Booze. Girls. More booze. More girls. Chocolate. Sex. Fights. Entertainment.
Just like Jesus would have wanted.
I really don't know exactly why my life has recently changed from being the shut-in-depressed-bored-recently-dumped-saddo to the guy-hainvg-a-great-time-and-suddenly-gets-more-girls-than-all-of-the-last-two-years-combined-in-two-weeks but I really dont mind.
I've now got to avoid the whole subject with my friends as I think it seems like boasting, when it is in fact bemusement.
My soul's got a new lease of life and I'm enjoying things for the first time in a long time.
The 3 greatest things that have ever happened to me happened this weekend.
1) I actually had two girls fight over me. As in seriously fight. Name calling, shouting, pushing and slapping. I swear I think someones gonna jump out from behind a bush and yell "gotcha" and this is all a set up.
2) I met my ex gf out (who's decided to text me now and then just to try and wreck my head,letting me know she's over me - even though she's the one who dumped me). However I was being molested by a very very hot out-of-my-league girl at the time. The look on her face was priceless. I also realised she has no hold over me anymore (all part of the fan-fucking-tastic moment)
3) I went home with the very hot girl, drunkenly shagged in a drunk-stupid state. Fun but intensly tiring and ultimately nowhere near as good as sober sex (but hey,I'll take what I can get). So she then leaves for work and says I can stay for tea with her sister. Her sister then decides I'm quite nice too and jumps on me! Dear playboy...
I'm terrified at the karmic cost of all this. Maybe this is my payout after years of being a nice guy and getting screwed every day of my life!
Again though, I'm always worried that this sounds like boasting. Something which was always a pet hate of mine. Maybe because I never had that much to boast about (or I felt I didn't).
Though I find all this interesting as it all came after I decided I'd hit an all time low.
I was working a job I detested taking crap from people who are so unhappy in life they have to become little-office-facists to try and feel a sence of power.
It was driving me insane (literaly).
I was unhappy in my life, getting seriously depressed.
So I decided to sort things out.
I stopped giving a shit.
I quit. And to hell with the concequences.
I ended personal relationships with some people who were just feeding off me, making me their feel good springboard. Who'd sell me short in an instant. Parasites.
I really hit a point where the world could go fuck itself. Im not proud. I dont need fancy clothes. Fancy cars. A rat race job that I hate. I dont need money. I dont need material crap. It was all keeping me from being truly happy.
So I dumped it all.
Bang. End of story. I decided to be whatever I wanted. And I wanted to have some fun for once.
I treated my friends, went out and partied. And it seems people have taken this new attitude as confidence.
Confidence in myself. Which is true I guess. A side-effect of keeping my sanity.
So it seems my humour and my now-percieved confidence has yielded me new freinds, new social outlets, new experiences and gotten me laid for the first time in months.
All I have to do now is figure out what the hell I have to do in life to keep being happy and I'm set.
[sarcasm] no biggie [/sarcasm]
Holy crap, reading that back over it sounds like a rejected chapter from Fight Club or something.
Something I'm not trying to be.
Well anyway, lets hope the universe keeps this going for a while. I'm starting to like the new me.
Booze. Girls. More booze. More girls. Chocolate. Sex. Fights. Entertainment.
Just like Jesus would have wanted.
I really don't know exactly why my life has recently changed from being the shut-in-depressed-bored-recently-dumped-saddo to the guy-hainvg-a-great-time-and-suddenly-gets-more-girls-than-all-of-the-last-two-years-combined-in-two-weeks but I really dont mind.
I've now got to avoid the whole subject with my friends as I think it seems like boasting, when it is in fact bemusement.
My soul's got a new lease of life and I'm enjoying things for the first time in a long time.
The 3 greatest things that have ever happened to me happened this weekend.
1) I actually had two girls fight over me. As in seriously fight. Name calling, shouting, pushing and slapping. I swear I think someones gonna jump out from behind a bush and yell "gotcha" and this is all a set up.
2) I met my ex gf out (who's decided to text me now and then just to try and wreck my head,letting me know she's over me - even though she's the one who dumped me). However I was being molested by a very very hot out-of-my-league girl at the time. The look on her face was priceless. I also realised she has no hold over me anymore (all part of the fan-fucking-tastic moment)
3) I went home with the very hot girl, drunkenly shagged in a drunk-stupid state. Fun but intensly tiring and ultimately nowhere near as good as sober sex (but hey,I'll take what I can get). So she then leaves for work and says I can stay for tea with her sister. Her sister then decides I'm quite nice too and jumps on me! Dear playboy...
I'm terrified at the karmic cost of all this. Maybe this is my payout after years of being a nice guy and getting screwed every day of my life!

Again though, I'm always worried that this sounds like boasting. Something which was always a pet hate of mine. Maybe because I never had that much to boast about (or I felt I didn't).
Though I find all this interesting as it all came after I decided I'd hit an all time low.
I was working a job I detested taking crap from people who are so unhappy in life they have to become little-office-facists to try and feel a sence of power.
It was driving me insane (literaly).
I was unhappy in my life, getting seriously depressed.
So I decided to sort things out.
I stopped giving a shit.
I quit. And to hell with the concequences.
I ended personal relationships with some people who were just feeding off me, making me their feel good springboard. Who'd sell me short in an instant. Parasites.
I really hit a point where the world could go fuck itself. Im not proud. I dont need fancy clothes. Fancy cars. A rat race job that I hate. I dont need money. I dont need material crap. It was all keeping me from being truly happy.
So I dumped it all.
Bang. End of story. I decided to be whatever I wanted. And I wanted to have some fun for once.
I treated my friends, went out and partied. And it seems people have taken this new attitude as confidence.
Confidence in myself. Which is true I guess. A side-effect of keeping my sanity.
So it seems my humour and my now-percieved confidence has yielded me new freinds, new social outlets, new experiences and gotten me laid for the first time in months.
All I have to do now is figure out what the hell I have to do in life to keep being happy and I'm set.
[sarcasm] no biggie [/sarcasm]
Holy crap, reading that back over it sounds like a rejected chapter from Fight Club or something.
Something I'm not trying to be.
Well anyway, lets hope the universe keeps this going for a while. I'm starting to like the new me.
Yorkie is most definitely for girls too. Mmmm...chunky goodness...
Limescale is SO shitty, the water is here is crap. I am totally over reacting, but I'm fed up of the shower not making me feel as clean as it used to, my cups of tea having bits in and not tasting as good as they do back home, and the water having to be filtered to stop it from tasting like pennies. Bah.