Right well, I got a right "skinner" of a haircut.
(Skinner was what we used to call any drastic haircut in school when we were like 10, which always carried over. Generally ment getting your head rubbed violently and then being slapped across the back of teh head over and over).
Apparently I was "too late" to get any dye done....either that or they were too fucking lazy.
-considering life- (ok I was drunk as hell)
I found the holy grail though!
The perfect pint!
Was playing guitar with a few guys from some local bands today..they are unemployed bastards too!
And YES, I had it up to 11!
Went out for some drinks and general mayhem tonight. Didn't find the general, only his sidekick Corporal Connundrum. I didn't fee like doing puzzles tonight so I ditched him.
Damn army men.
Crap, I just sneezed about 17 times in 47 seconds....I cannot SEE! IM BLIND! Oh wait....
I did something really STUPID tonight. After about 7 shots of good 'ol Jack Daniels (which I haven't drank in months, mainly at the police's request- j/k) we (my friends and me) thought it would be a GREAT idea to go re-visit our old school. Where we were tormented for years.
So we go. Climb then fences. Stroll across the yard. See our old class....open the window and climb inside.
This is a bad idea.
Look about. Write something about "school being the cage and self realisation being the wings to set you free" or some equally crap statement you think is profound while really drunk. I doubt the 14 year old's will get it.
We try the main door.
Seems they've added alarms since we've left. Shit. Run. Bail. Dive through window. Hop over fence. Run for your life.
Stupid us. Im sure we're on a camera somewhere. Let's hope no-one recognises us.
And so I get home, drunkish and alone. Only wish there was some girly type here to 'play with'.
Oh well.
(Skinner was what we used to call any drastic haircut in school when we were like 10, which always carried over. Generally ment getting your head rubbed violently and then being slapped across the back of teh head over and over).
Apparently I was "too late" to get any dye done....either that or they were too fucking lazy.



-considering life- (ok I was drunk as hell)
I found the holy grail though!
The perfect pint!

Was playing guitar with a few guys from some local bands today..they are unemployed bastards too!
And YES, I had it up to 11!

Went out for some drinks and general mayhem tonight. Didn't find the general, only his sidekick Corporal Connundrum. I didn't fee like doing puzzles tonight so I ditched him.
Damn army men.
Crap, I just sneezed about 17 times in 47 seconds....I cannot SEE! IM BLIND! Oh wait....
I did something really STUPID tonight. After about 7 shots of good 'ol Jack Daniels (which I haven't drank in months, mainly at the police's request- j/k) we (my friends and me) thought it would be a GREAT idea to go re-visit our old school. Where we were tormented for years.
So we go. Climb then fences. Stroll across the yard. See our old class....open the window and climb inside.
This is a bad idea.
Look about. Write something about "school being the cage and self realisation being the wings to set you free" or some equally crap statement you think is profound while really drunk. I doubt the 14 year old's will get it.
We try the main door.
Seems they've added alarms since we've left. Shit. Run. Bail. Dive through window. Hop over fence. Run for your life.
Stupid us. Im sure we're on a camera somewhere. Let's hope no-one recognises us.
And so I get home, drunkish and alone. Only wish there was some girly type here to 'play with'.
Oh well.