I need a fucking haircut!
Suggestions on a postcard.
(P.S. I hate shaving, red is not the colour for my chin. And yes,I do have spots now too....they just won't leave me alone! *sob* They seem to have ganged up on my this week to remind me of the days when I was 15...or something. I don't appreciate their little taste of nostalgia)
I don't have the patience to grow it long again, I can't go through the months of having it not quite long not quite short but always terrible.(It rather resembles a cross between a monks haircut and a giant ball of fuzz at times I've found)
In general I think I'll need a cut that distracts away from my head. That being a major flaw in my looks I think.
So bright orange with neon signs in the back saying "Rent this space for as little as 5 a day"
Can't they go and make paper bags fashionable? Could solve alot.
Since I aint working for "the man" (whoever that is) I'm can cut it however the hell I like now.
No more verbal warnings from employers! Unlike my last exploit with coke-can red hair dye and my former employers.
If I manage to get out of bed before 4pm tomorrow I'll go get it hacked to bits in town.
Dye maybe be involved. As may lawsuits if it goes wrong. (I can't afford to have something that repells them there girls more)
I'm not quite sure why I'm typing this.
Wait, I do know. It's cheaper than therapy and have infinately more naked chicks around. (Unless you know a psychaitraists office like that, in that case I want an address and phone number).
I am also now researching why the hell bellybutton fluff is always blue in colour.
WHY!?WHY?! I ask you!?
Suggestions on a postcard.
(P.S. I hate shaving, red is not the colour for my chin. And yes,I do have spots now too....they just won't leave me alone! *sob* They seem to have ganged up on my this week to remind me of the days when I was 15...or something. I don't appreciate their little taste of nostalgia)
I don't have the patience to grow it long again, I can't go through the months of having it not quite long not quite short but always terrible.(It rather resembles a cross between a monks haircut and a giant ball of fuzz at times I've found)
In general I think I'll need a cut that distracts away from my head. That being a major flaw in my looks I think.
So bright orange with neon signs in the back saying "Rent this space for as little as 5 a day"
Can't they go and make paper bags fashionable? Could solve alot.
Since I aint working for "the man" (whoever that is) I'm can cut it however the hell I like now.
No more verbal warnings from employers! Unlike my last exploit with coke-can red hair dye and my former employers.
If I manage to get out of bed before 4pm tomorrow I'll go get it hacked to bits in town.
Dye maybe be involved. As may lawsuits if it goes wrong. (I can't afford to have something that repells them there girls more)
I'm not quite sure why I'm typing this.
Wait, I do know. It's cheaper than therapy and have infinately more naked chicks around. (Unless you know a psychaitraists office like that, in that case I want an address and phone number).
I am also now researching why the hell bellybutton fluff is always blue in colour.
WHY!?WHY?! I ask you!?