Well I made it back in one piece. Had a grand 'ol time over there in Murcia.
Ireland seems so much darker and colder than usual now, but umm....water, there's water everywhere.
They have none where I was, I think it only rains 20 days a year.
25 degrees C, sun, no cloud, nice people, good food, good fun, cheap as hell, crazy nightlife, lunatic drivers and a girly (mmmm girly)...it's never boring.
Murcia, the city itself, is no tourist place. It's all Spanish and quite quite different than the tourist havens that surround it.
Plus compared to Ireland the place costs nothing to live in. In 3 days I bought 3 dinners for two, lunch for 3, various snacks, a teddy, some beer...various other miscellaneous items.
I spent 45 the entire trip. Fourty Five!!!!!!??!?
I lived it up. The flights were more than double that.
Here you spend 45 if you sneeze and need to buy some tissues.
Perhaps not a crazy as the drivers in that city. The first rule of driving in Spain is 'there are no rules'.
Driving around with Alicia (a lifelong inhabitant of Murica and Spain) we almost died at least twice and nearly crashed (minor ones) about six.
In three days.
The last time I was there I saw a guy get hit by a car on a pedestrian crossing and three car accidents....all within 4 hours of getting to the place.
The trip was more than I needed, really more. I managed to get myself together and calm my lil head down. Took a break from the things around here and it's made things a whole lot better.
No stress, no issues. I can look at things from outside the pressure cooker that it was around here.
I am partially deaf however. Those Spaniards talk loud, especially if excited.
Watched the Simpsons in Spanish too, surreal
No little snapshots or pictures at the moment, had no proper camera and my phone isn't co-operating.
So here's some from last time.

Ok, now I'm cold. Damn you sun! Show yourself!
Ireland seems so much darker and colder than usual now, but umm....water, there's water everywhere.
They have none where I was, I think it only rains 20 days a year.
25 degrees C, sun, no cloud, nice people, good food, good fun, cheap as hell, crazy nightlife, lunatic drivers and a girly (mmmm girly)...it's never boring.
Murcia, the city itself, is no tourist place. It's all Spanish and quite quite different than the tourist havens that surround it.
Plus compared to Ireland the place costs nothing to live in. In 3 days I bought 3 dinners for two, lunch for 3, various snacks, a teddy, some beer...various other miscellaneous items.
I spent 45 the entire trip. Fourty Five!!!!!!??!?
I lived it up. The flights were more than double that.
Here you spend 45 if you sneeze and need to buy some tissues.
Perhaps not a crazy as the drivers in that city. The first rule of driving in Spain is 'there are no rules'.
Driving around with Alicia (a lifelong inhabitant of Murica and Spain) we almost died at least twice and nearly crashed (minor ones) about six.
In three days.
The last time I was there I saw a guy get hit by a car on a pedestrian crossing and three car accidents....all within 4 hours of getting to the place.
The trip was more than I needed, really more. I managed to get myself together and calm my lil head down. Took a break from the things around here and it's made things a whole lot better.
No stress, no issues. I can look at things from outside the pressure cooker that it was around here.
I am partially deaf however. Those Spaniards talk loud, especially if excited.
Watched the Simpsons in Spanish too, surreal

No little snapshots or pictures at the moment, had no proper camera and my phone isn't co-operating.
So here's some from last time.

Ok, now I'm cold. Damn you sun! Show yourself!
Are you going to the Belfast meet? I'm roping a few friends to come up with me, if you're interested
But that sucks that there are no new pics!