I have had a lovely week. Unemployment is so far treating me very nicely indeed!!!
Last Wednesday was my last day at work, that wasnt so pleasant and I was so sad saying goodbye to everyone, so Ill skip over that part.
However, they got me presents!! I got a gift set from Lush, a Buddha charm for my sweetie bracelet, and the House of Leaves book. The cards had lovely comments on them too

I also had a leaving lunch which was lovely. I did take some photos but, as per, I look like a tool in them, so I wont subject you!
Thursday I registered with the recruitment agency who will hopefully get me into the government agency I hope to work for, and filled out my disclosure application form. Bought a pair of flips flops for my holidaybops on the way to the train home

Friday the boy and I went to Millport. We were going to go to Arran but I slept in till daft oclock!! So Millport it was!! True to form though it pished down and we got soaked it was comical if nothing else!! I stuffed my face with chocolate covered puff candy which if course made me feel ill on the ferry but hey, it was worth it. So was the fish and chips I had for tea.

Saturday was a celebration day without alcohol. Well, almost no alcohol.
Saturday was the day I officially qualified as a solicitor. Of course, I dont have a job and dont want to be a solicitor....but its an achievement nonetheless!!
I got taken out for a delicious lunch to celebrate, then went to my parents. They gave me some money and a bottle of champagne, om nom nom!!. Then I went to see my sister and my nephew, who is getting cuter and smarter by the day and is only one year old but can count to 10, knows all the colours, and can use the i phone better than I can!!
On then to my mates house for gossip and Dominos pizza...mmm.... Her cat looks like Hitler, am not joking, he does. I just had to take a picture to share with you -
Sunday was the bestest day I have had for a loooooong long time. It was the boys 30th recently and as part of his present I got him a golden eagle experience. We trundled up to the Bird of Prey Centre in Loch Lomond and what a day we had!! We were there for 4 hours with lunch in between. We were shown round all the birds and given a talk about them. We then went back round all the birds and got to hold some of them and give them cuddles!!
Below is the Harry Potter Owl. She was bought by a family for their son after the first film came out but they didnt know how to look after her, so the SSPCA intervened and she was brought to the bird of prey centre where she now lives very happily indeed
I was too chicken at this early stage to hold her!!
They have a new baby teeny weeny owl (dont ask me what kind she is, cause I dont know!! I just know she is cute and tiny
Even though we were given a great talk by the volunteer who told us all about the birds, I cant possibly remember all their breeds or names, so you'll just have to admire the pitcures!!
Then we had an education talk by the owner of the centre, who taught us to tie the falconers knot. Well, tried to teach lol. It's not an easy task let me tell you!! He needed to show Dave how to do it in particular, as he was to tie it to Mozart in real life, with a group of foreign tourists watching!! I got to into Mozart's house too. But I just stood there in awe of this gorgeous creature, who is so laid back he is horizontal!! And he actually likes to be cuddled!!!
Then I plucked up the courage to hold a bird as well. I think this one is a stepp eagle.....but dont quote me on that!!
I dont know why I have my tongue stuck out in this one........ I think I might have been a little scared!!
The grande finale was meeting Orla, their golden eagle.
She is breathtakingly beautiful. Dave got to hold her twice!! On the first occasion he re-dressed her ....erm, feet thingys, I cant remember what you call them....and he was the first person other than the owner to do that since they got her 4 years ago!!! What an experience!!! I think they liked us
Of course, I got my moment of glory holding Orla too. By this point she was stressed out and flapping about everywhere!! Neither of us were happy lol. I was terrified, can you tell?
Look at how she is clinging onto my arm!! She almost crushed it!! I totally had a bruise, but it went away. Damn. I was proud of that bruise. She has a tonne weight of power in each claw. Eeep!!!
I have to say though that my personal bestest bit was meeting my new friend, Oskar. He is all sorts of awesome and I would go back to the centre in a second just to see him again!! He is their most loving owl and absolutely LOVES being petted!!! I really wanted to take him home *sniff*
Ahh. Needless to say, I would recommend the place to anyone.
After the bird of prey centre, we drove to Tarbet to meet my uncle Tommy. He is a grand old chap. Hes my dads uncle and although I have spoken to him many times on the phone, this was the first time I had met him in person!! The wee place he lives is a holiday village owned by his friends. This is the view he sees every day....
And in the wee resort there are some other lovely things to see....plus a bloody swimming pool and an unused Aston Martin....i should have nicked it, shouldnt i?
Uncle Tommy made us dinner then drove us out to see his two horses, Lady and Lucky. They are two big gentle giants, I was afraid of horses before, but not now!!
I do look horribly fat here. Note to self = DIET.
We then had a drive around Arrochar and up to Rest and be Thankful, where the views are just out of this world. Its my dad's favourite place and I can see why...
After all that it was back to Uncle Tommys house for tea, buscuits and fare-thee-well. I am going to go stay with Uncle Tommy for a few days next week and I cant wait. I am going to swim in the private pool, spend time in the private sauna, eat lots of food, go hiking, and read my books while drinking tea and admiring the beautiful views. Happy titch
In Other news...
On Monday I became an Avon rep. I love love love Avon!! I did it when I was 18 but stopped when I went to uni. I doubt I will make any money I will spend it all on products but I enjoy it and it will give me something to do.
Tuesday - my friend Hazel came to visit for some tlc after her papa had a heart attack and she got her rejection letter from the army. At night I visited one big sister, then another big sister, passing on Avon books and craft stuff to sell for my charity trek.
Yesterday, my Auntie Sadie took me to Girvin with my cousin and treated me to lunch as a congratulations present. It was a glorious day and the food was beautiful. Best bit was, she gave me a present for qualifying, with strict instructions on spending it on things i need, not want! Know what it was??
Last night I finally had time to relax and pamper myself.
Today I am going to sunbathe out the back door
Tomorrow I am meeting my mate in Kilwinning for lunch then going to the cinema at night to see 1,2,3, or something.
Saturday I have to collect Avon books and hand out more, go to Ayr to pick up my now (hopefully fixed) diamond wishbone ring and sell my old gold. Sunday I am having a car boot sale to raise pennies for my holiday spending money.
Phew!! You'll be relieved to hear this is the end of the blog!! I think this is my biggest blog to date and believe it or not, I have tried to cut it down!! Haha. Thanks for reading it, if you have
Off I pop to get the bikini on....I'll get to the post office and showered eventually
Much love and hope youre all well,
Well I might see if I can book a whole day off and come and see you two on the Friday then join everyone else later.