Tonight I had someone comfide in me that she bulemic. She said said she had an eating disorder when she was 14 and she knows it is back again. I know I am a nursing student and I am used to dealing with this stuff at the hospital, but not in my own life. I am scared for her because she has a weak heart already and she says he has been starving herself and bindging and purging for the last 3 weeks and has lost 15 - 20 lbs. She says if I say anything she will deny it. I have only recently gotten close to this woman and I am terrified. I need help with this situation, but if I devulge too much information to someone else I know I will never have her trust again. I feel stuck, honored and worried all at the same time. I am doing my own research on what resources are available to her in our small community and i know tomorrow I will ask a couple of my instructors for their input for actual nursing interventions. Until then the internet will be my guide.
Hope you're well