A friend of mine left town a few months ago, her soon to be 14 year old is heavy set and looks native - she is has not made any friends in the new city she lives in and gets descriminated against. Last Thursday evening they called me and asked if she could move in with me. I am scared and flattered at the same time. The friend has an aunt who lives here, but they would rather that the girl lives with me. I guess they way I am looking at it is, as long as she is still well behaved, what is one more child right? She loved living here as she has friends and does not seem to have the same name calling thing going on here. Her parents cannot afford much $$ for her and all I told them all I would want for her is the money that would be paid out to her for allowance. Thsi girl was so happy she finally stopped crying. Her mom says that is all she does these days. We have decided it will be a trial until Christmas. Am I crazy for taking on this task? I hope not, I mena a teenage girl does nto need her self eteeme knocked any harder when it is already so fragile. I hope I am not making the wrong decision!
thanks hun.

how was the party