At what point, do you give up looking for that special person? How much time is enough? How many attempts are to many? Do you change your idea of what you are looking for? Do you settle for just something, even if it isn’t what you want just so you have someone? Is that fair to the other person you think you are settling for? When is it time to say enough?
If you take the idea that there is someone for everyone, then in my case that would mean there is someone into short, fat and ugly. Somehow, I’ve never seen that fetish. Lol
What do you think? About the first part, not the second. Lol
I think these are all fair questions everyone asks, including myself! I would say what’s meant to be will happen naturally. We have our entire lives to find that special someone. I feel as though there’s no such thing as too many attempts, and never settle for someone just to settle.
And by special, it can be your definition of what makes a person special. What you look for in someone else can change, depending on how you change throughout life & grow