I am sure most won't read this or much of it because even in my own mind it sounds like I am whining. I am afraid I won't find someone. It seems any more, after the last two major mistakes, any time I have interest in someone and they act like they have interest in me, I am only there to bide their time until they get what they want somewhere else. I just had another bout with this, tonight. A girl that has been overly flirty, touchy and temper mental when I am not around her when we are at work, has also been chatting up another guy. Knowing where this guy has been. if she wants that, she can have it. Yet, it brought back to my mind, what is wrong with me? It seems, as things go along, I am never going to get back to a point where I am actually happy with someone. So, there my fear resides. Apparently I don't understand women at all, but that is nothing new. I just wish things were more simple. Be honest, straight forward, no games and no sideline backups in case your current situation fails. It would be nice to finally get what I want and not be the support to get them what they want. Sorry for the babble, just so done with being f'n disappointed at every turn.
I don't think you're whining. plenty of people feel the same way, myself included. I've just learned to go with the flow and take things for what they are at face value.