And she came to you like a snake from behind -- tapped your shoulder and smiled.....
Taken a back, you jumped and you gasped and you replied -- eyes frightened and wild....
"who are you and what to do you want? you could give a heart attack sneaking up like that.."
Struck by her wild style... kinfolk there in the woods.... with psychadelic wings..... fairy queen or witch of black?
Wildly you distrusted this beautiful beast you never had seen -- and shaking like a leaf you said....
"Who are you really and what do you want?" Would she steal your soul..... would you end up dead?
But then she set out a laugh... echoing for kilometers and the halo raised on her head...
"Nonesuch -- you silly thing.... I am just you when you let yourself be free.... so let go of your fears... join me... and for once in your life, love, live happily? Don't be afraid to say -- matters not what you think -- because for once I am truly me! --- and by that same token I am TRULY free."