Embrace the rapids in your life.... by getting through them once, twice, three-times -- you start navigating them that much better. Then it becomes fun --- ride the waves fearlessly and enjoy the ride ;-)

it is soo amazing!

Consider that the book for the rest of your life begins tomorrow -- because it does -- plan it -- WRITE IT -- make it EPIC. To do anything else is an insult to yourself. START YOUR STORY!

Lovely words that I needed this morning ❤️

Your world will always be too small if you never take the time to open your eyes and open your mind to the possibilities of life. Each second counts.... make sure you remember that... then go out and do something about it.


You can travel to a hundred shores. Visit foreign land's and read a thousand books and never realize all you ever needed was right there. The most important voice we ignore is the voice in our heart. Stay blessed and listen to it!