You know what's fucked up?...ownership of land. Don't get me wrong, it'd be cool to have my own farm, house on the prairie, suburban house (though I'd prefer an urban flat), but what bugs me is the thought that 100% of the land in the US is owned by somebody. It's either privately owned, owned by a corporation, or owned by a government. Isn't it sad we just can't go exploring any vacant land we want? When I drive through the Valley, I just want to run out and roll down the hills, or play hide and go seek in the orchards, but someone owns that shit. That just boggles my mind. It's fucking land, it's the earth, who owns the earth? Before you dismiss this as a pothead thought, think about it, compare it to the way humans lived for the last 99.9999% of our 3 million years here. Our ancestors had it good, Compared to the last 2000 years, no private ownership of land was the norm, the status quo. I say back to the status quo!
You know another thing that bothers me, stores and restaurants that won't let you use the bathroom. Where can one pee in Los Angeles! Isn't it fucked up that we have to pay someone in order to urinate? Even though sometimes French streets smell like urine, at least they don't have to pay Burger King $ .50 to use the toilet. It's crazy.
I'm listening to the sounds of my 80 yr old Lithuanian landlord on the roof, he's covering old brown paint with new gray paint.
Finals suck!
My head and eyes hurt from studying.
But, only a couple weeks until I'm back to Austin!! And then moving to San Francisco and spending a week with one of my favorite girls on the planet. I can't wait! I feel like I should be done with school already, all I want to do is get high, sing along to CDs, and pack my belongings.

Burritos only cost a couple bucks at most to make, why the hell do they sometimes cost 6 or 7? Benitos has good veggie tacos for 3 dollars and change. That is quality! (but the guacamole is frighteningly vivid green)

Hmm....I think this is an ok thing.
I'm going to give it one more go tonight... see if she wants to do something shoot pool watch movies.... (that is if she's at work cause I have to stop by anyways)... I'm going to bring up the flakyness... tell her I guess she never got off work cause I never got called. and there are no excuses... most people she knows have my number. and she wrote it down just 2 nights ago. for the 5th time or so.
anyhow I just wanna hang out... she talked about having a movie night cause I'm kind of behind when it comes to the classics. that would be nice
so would be shooting pool with just her.