drank a protein shake in the living room while Dominique watched t.v. Sometimes I just want to yell at her, "don't you do anything but watch t.v.!?" TV is soooo fucking stupid I've learned. Today she was watching IQ Nation or something, where groups of people in the studio competed along with the t.v. viewers (via internet) on an IQ test. The studio groups were Scientists, Body Builders, Blondes, Students, Construction Workers, and Teachers. How fucking lame is that?! And then they posted the results of this fucking test as if they were scientifically valid. Not only did they equate IQ score to intelligence without any qualms, they also presented differences between groups as significant even though they most certainly were not. They looked at democrats vs. republicrats, blue eyes vs. green eyes vs. brown eyes, blondes vs. brunettes, but the worst was men vs. women. So women scored a 111 and men a 113, and they show the results and everyone laughs and cheers and turns off the t.v., later telling their friends that women are 2 IQ points dumber than men. "It's a proven fact, mate." Fucked up. And they could have made it so that it broke down stereotypes and antiquated notions, instead of perpetuating them. I'm sure they got the dumbest blondes, and they were certainly under the expectation to do poorly. I fucking hate t.v. and those fucking women's magazines. "SEX TIPS TO PLEASE YOUR GUY" "LOSE 15 LBS IN A WEEK" "TIGHTEN YOUR ABS, THIGHS, BUTT, EVERYTHING!" "HAVE A STRESS-FREE DAY, FIND OUT HOW" "SHOP WITHOUT GUILT, USEFUL TIPS". It's such crap. It seems like pop culture just gets more and more regressive. I blame both Married with Children and Dominique & cohorts. Seriously, it's amazing how bad t.v. is. What the old folks always said about it rotting your brain was correct! Aaarrgh.
I second all of that