If these walls could talk they would probably say 'get out more' or at the very least 'shame on you.'
It's too hot. I don't like it I'm sticky, I'm having a panic attack trying to get my t-shirt off thats stuck over my head, Ohhhhhh THE HUMANITY!!!
Well in my previous blog i mentioned i had a bunch of strange dreams. The one i...
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weird dream, it's amazing what out sub-concious comes up with.

i'd love to have joined you for the blueberry muffins, but make mine a tea please.

take care.

Just picked five completely random suicide girls as i found it quite difficult picking my favourites. Obviously the laws of averages do not apply here!!! There all HOT!

Hmm. Maybe i should change them from day to day?

I dont have anything earth shattering today except:

Im off to watch mission impossible.

and I need a new tent for download which I know I will...
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ha ha thats rad, brokeback mountain happens in your tent you can sell me a ticket.

i went to a festival with my sis it was so cold we zipped our sleeping bags together and spooned each other, that was a bit wierd but i would have died of hypothermier.

don't tell anyone that.
Thats alright! At least you don't have the danger of morning wood when your spooning shocked
Just picked five completely random suicide girls as i found it quite difficult picking my favourites. Obviously the laws of averages do not apply here!!! There all HOT!

Hmm. Maybe i should change them from day to day?

I dont have anything earth shattering today except:

Im off to watch mission impossible.

and I need a new tent for download which I know I will...
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