Im so tired, Im ready to get into bed, is friday and is only 8:30pm this is not right.
well it has been a while, I have been busy, and not. What do I mean? Well I met someone, she is marvelous, I like her so much, and I'm also looking for a new job. Yes it really sucks to find a new job after you get the big old boot. EL SUICIDO LOCO
super glad you are havin' fun with yr new chica.
Let the hunt start!! I have a month, well more like 3 weeks to find a place or renew the contract here, I'm more into finding a new place. ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO
"Too pretty"? Is there such a thing?

Are you a fan of See's Candies, or are you more of a Ghiradelli fan?

kiss kiss kiss
I dont want to go to work today, I havent been able to recover from the weekend. I need a vacation

the weekend was a blast I went to Yosemite to clim, that place is a granite heaven... oink
Looking for a roomate, well lets se who is the lucky one surreal
who gets to live in our flat. EL SUICIDO LOCO
today I took my first class of Bikram Yoga, shit that thing is tough, it really kiked my butt, but I liked it. EL SUICIDO LOCO
Awww, thanks for teh comment on my set!
Wet to see war of the worlds, is good, never been a fan of Tom Cruise, but the movie is good the intensity is never lost troughout the movie. I'll have to give it two fingers up.