Pretend for a moment that I swore off relationships ('cause I did). Pretend that that vow was full of holes, and other people saw that (which it was, and they did). Now pretend that interesting women all came out of the woodwork all at once, and made advances all at once (which they did, though I can't tell why). Now, to top it all off, pretend there were two such young ladies that made such compelling cases for themselves, that one alone could have spun my head several times around. Pretend these two ladies popped up within several days of each other (though I might have been aware of, or even friends with one or both before hand).
Pretend this is my life, and pretend I'm confused.
And really, you probably wouldn't have to pretend.
Pretend this is my life, and pretend I'm confused.
And really, you probably wouldn't have to pretend.

it just boggles the mind sometimes what comes your way - in whatever form.....
trust me, I think I may know.