dancing half naked amidst a bunch of freaks (my kind of people) is a great way to spend the night. sleep well, everyone...
Random funny times. I met an "internet friend" today out in Santa Monica, which turned out quite nicely. Intelligent fun people are always so refreshing.

Chilling on the promenade, listening to music before she showed up, though, I got propositioned by the staff at Abercrombie & Fitch, which I was sitting out front of I guess. This girl came out, motioned for me to take...
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i miss partying with you boys... what the heck?

internet friends are hit and miss, glad you hit.

ambercrombie eh? do they pay enough to make it worth your while? just kidding. biggrin I do not think you would like retail.

you are aloof with me, i think it is time we get a bite to eat together... how is your wednesday evening next week? I will be coming directly from work but i think something around 7pm would work... that is an invitation so let me know.

i miss you. always do, you are the only one rational enough to see the bigger picture in my life and help me maintain focus. so thanks for being my big bro when i need one... you are more than welcome to lay the smack-down on me if i step out of line... really.

good and bad about the car. get ride of Guist! he is too much trouble. what is the new car plan? you deserve to drive something reliable.... and something nice and shiny...

i like shiny objects. tee hee. biggrin

~ Mistress Jolie* ARRR!!!
Working from home. Design time.

More than 7 gigs of music on shuffle, and a beer by the monitor.

Sometimes, things are jus alright.


I think I need to go break something. I've dropped over 900 dollars on my car this week... to have nothing done. And I still have no working car. At least part of it is a deposit towards getting the engine replaced, but it's still driving me a bit mad, as I keep having to re-juggle priorities to move the cash around.

I just...
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It was a long weekend. Not temporally, but mentally it could have been a month.

Lots of thinking. Lots of emotion. Trying to piece it all together and have it make sense has been trying, but well worth the effort.

I blitzed so much traffic this weekend that I am starting to doubt my sanity. Dive-bombing through busy traffic on a bike should not be...
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you make me smile.

I look upon the image of you on your bicycle tearing through the streets in a fury.

getting inside informtion on Xmen 3 from a friend of my man's. it better be the phoenix saga, my favorite part of that whole series.

the phoenix, born of chaos and confusion with the inate emotion/reaction of survival that saw her through to the end, I loved that character as a child. smile

strangely reminded of "chocolate" by snow patrol.

oh and the melencoly in your voice makes me worry. I wish to see you soon. please let me know when that may be.
I'd started writing an entry, and it was wiped out... so, here it is without the well thought-out language.

Life is good, but tough. I'm going on willpower and obstinance. I haven't been sleeping, and my thoughts are fractured as a result.

I'm moving a lot of things forward. I'm learning a lot. I danced my ass off last night, and spend some time with...
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I am hanging in there... and decently healthy.

Handled all the phone calls, some entertaining stories at that. Also helped Shannon pick up her car today - it is so cute, and she deserves that happiness.

Still broke but hey, I have my car and 3/4 of a tank of gas. Two interviews tomorrow night and another job possibility to call in the AM. my stepdad goes in tuesday for the last time - hopefully.

I just want March to be here so the astrological chaos will end. in theory, that is the reason for all the shit that hit the fan. At least I am dealing with the things I have been putting off...

oh and I am off the market. yeah.
sounds like you are handling your shit as well... I hope all is well and I will call you later this week.

much love.
~ k
let me know if you got your email today. i was not sure.
Just got back from capoeira... great class tonight. Small, but kicking. Pavoa and Chicago really play well together, and work well as a teaching team. I was surprised to learn that some of the guys from capoeira were playing around onstage at the Grammy's last night - they were playing capoeira along side some breakers behind Gwen and Eve. I caught a pic of some...
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vday blues... i be singing.

but all is well that ends well - the D has responded with keen interest is the discussion I prompted with the email.

the C is gone, he replaced me with what was my replacement last night which I came to discover after driving accross town to drop off John and then BAM! opened the gate and there is her car.

I guess he could not be alone on vday. and it hurt me too. fucking great.

every year I am reminded of why I hate Valentine's Day.. this year is no exception!

hugs & love -
~ the angel* wink
Ahhhhhh!!! Health!

It's funny, the things you don't know how much you appreciate until they're gone.

But, damn... now that I'm back, I feel like I can move mountains!

So... I think I will. Starting with the mountainous load of strangeness that I call my life.

Definitely time to get that moving again. I'm getting my body back under control for starters (I lost 10...
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I really want to go to that party. Need a DD? the drinking is still down for the count...

also thank you but the exposure will prove good either way. face it, I am a glutton for punishment. wink

cheers to the new music. Javert is burning me new music off his iBook. I so want one. how is the crystal method one?

real estate rules, you would like it I think, I love that you are a dork too - you make me smile at the mere thought... and the health thing is good too. Rock out for me.

got the new Muse cd. heard the new Mars Volta? is it any good do you know?
Ok. This is a week of being sick, and I'm just about at the end of my fucking patience with this thing. Aches I could handle. The cough I could handle. Most of the other bullshit, as nasty as it was, I could handle.

The fever dreams, however, have got to fucking go.
It's like a bad trip you just can't sober up from. Close...
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such a trooper...

I want to bring you chicken soup but I am shooting nights this week... and things are looking up for a little bit lately... just FYI.

when you feel up to it, I will bore you with the details. You just let me know when you are ready.

until then, kiss puss kiss puss.
~ the angel* wink
whatever you choose to do, take it slow, otherwise you'll just stay sick for longer. oh, and eat oranges. cos they're delicious ARRR!!!
"I have seen the others, and I have discovered that this fight is not worth fighting. And I've seen their mothers, and I'll will no other to follow me where I'm going... you are young, man, you must be living... go now you are forgiven..."

I finally found this song. It's been quite a while that I've sought it, and though there were many barriers...
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we search for similar things... mainly to love ourselves and let ourselves be loved.

it is difficult for us, two of a kind. that is why we fair better as friends than as any other relation - to help each other when we find the pieces to the answers.

would you like to dicuss further? I have an opening for dinner at the Grove tomorrow if you would like to accompany me as a date (aka you take me out... cuz I am broke! wink) - that is, if you are up to satifying my need for intellectual conversation.

I fucking love you. You are so intelligent it almost makes me feel like I know nothing of importance... does that make sense as a compliment?

I would love to hear from you. Call me at home or email me tomorrow, I have a film interview/audition at 3:30 pm and then nothing more.. a run is in order in the AM I think.

much love. as always.
13 hour day at the office yesterday, followed up by a very early morning to make sure everything came together perfectly... so I took off early, came home and had a nap with the cat. I love that fuzzball.
OUCH. Three bottles or sake, a huge bottle of belgian beer, and I can't remember what else... all on no food. I shouldn't be allowed to drink when I'm this stressed.

At least I had some really great people around (angel0diablo) to help me through the morning.
kiss puss kiss puss

I got your back - I just hate seeing you do that to yourself... believe it or not, it hurts me too you know.

(le sigh) I still fucking love ya - as long as you keep the dinner you spoke of... we have to catch up! ARRR!!!