i love dennys. it's the only place open 24 hours close to usc and on nights of out-of-hand drunkeness it's amazing...so heres to you denny's
the first football game of the season is upon us and since it is at hawaii my house is throwing a party downstairs because our ra's kick ass! pizza+beer+ a pool table+ friends= an amazing time!
i was going to go to mexico this weekened with ceri, zach, matt, david and peter but i think that probably wont happen...although before i graduate i MUST go to canada and mexico at least once (seeing as how i have satisfied my other goals of travel)
i miss going out to bars and then crashing on certain couches, in certain mansions, in a certain town. there arent any bars within walking distance of SC except the 9-0 and my kind arent really regulars.
i'm getting another tatoo...soon...very soon...
yay for three day weekends turned into four by not going to friday classes!!

the first football game of the season is upon us and since it is at hawaii my house is throwing a party downstairs because our ra's kick ass! pizza+beer+ a pool table+ friends= an amazing time!
i was going to go to mexico this weekened with ceri, zach, matt, david and peter but i think that probably wont happen...although before i graduate i MUST go to canada and mexico at least once (seeing as how i have satisfied my other goals of travel)
i miss going out to bars and then crashing on certain couches, in certain mansions, in a certain town. there arent any bars within walking distance of SC except the 9-0 and my kind arent really regulars.
i'm getting another tatoo...soon...very soon...
yay for three day weekends turned into four by not going to friday classes!!
i got my shirt ! i'm wearing it right now and it's fabulous.
what tattoo are you getting?
i miss crashing on that fucking couch too, dude. my new one is so stupid.