the canadians are ganging up on me on the canadian politics group! oh-no!
they somehow think they're are going to get good, honest, hard-left government from their leaders. good luck! they should take a look at us and appreciate how good they've got it. (I'm ducking for cover now... flail away, you starry-eyed canucks!)
on a worse note, trevor (our cat) is even sicker than before -- each vet adds a new illness to the tally.
the oncologist said his cancer is the least of his problems right now -- heart disease and a leaky lung come first. he spent last night at the hospital in an oxygen box.
on a better note, I've officially determined that my wonderful little moped gets 80 miles to a gallon! It cost me exactly $2.11 to fill last night.

they somehow think they're are going to get good, honest, hard-left government from their leaders. good luck! they should take a look at us and appreciate how good they've got it. (I'm ducking for cover now... flail away, you starry-eyed canucks!)
on a worse note, trevor (our cat) is even sicker than before -- each vet adds a new illness to the tally.

on a better note, I've officially determined that my wonderful little moped gets 80 miles to a gallon! It cost me exactly $2.11 to fill last night.

Welcome to the group by the way.