Well, my Birthday turned out pretty good. Despite being in trmendous pain. I even got a copy of the big ass SG book, which iss now prouldy being displayed on my coffee table. smile
So, I think I'm in love. She knows that I'm interested in her, and she's expressed interest in me. But, she's in a relationship. She says that she's happy, but I've had to console her on more than one occasion because of things he's done.I want to tell her that I love her, but I'm afraid to. I don't want to come on too strong,...
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today marks the two year anniversary of my grandfathers death. I'd like a glass of scotch to drink in his honor, but I can't drink until my eye has healed. Yay.
Wekk... The fates have me grabbing my ankles again. My vision is improving, but I have to go in for surgery on my eye again because I've developed a tear in my retina. It's small, but they have to fix it before it gets any worse. This time they're going to replace my vitreous fluid with silcone oil. Which meabs that in 6 months I'm...
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Awesome dude. Tell me more about it tonight.

I'm on day two of being able to look up. I get a little disoriented sometimes. It's kind of like having a level built into my head. I still can't read, probably won't be able to for another couple of months. Nut, I do see improvment every day. I was able to play some video games yesterday... Not very well, but I felt pretty hood...
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Its cool Ian. All of us know you can't spell anyway.
So, I was supposed to have eye surgery to re-attach my retina on the 20th, but I ended up in the ER instead. Torns ot, there is this nasty virus going around, and I cauaght it the day before my operation. I ended up going into DKA ( Diabetic Keto Acidosis ), and the anesthesiologist refused to work on me. I'm re-schedualed for the 28th...
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