I HATE arguing with idiots.
I was recently on a forum for Game Informer wherein someone had a strong reaction to a video that was posted out of context. Several people pointed him to the correct context, and he apologized for his reaction while stating that the context should have been readily available to avoid his reaction occurring again with other people. But one Jack-hole takes it upon himself to call this guy out on improper up-bringing and lack of intelligence. The initial poster seemed rather intelligent and fairly well adjusted. Meanwhile, Jack-hole could not be bothered to spell the word "you" correctly, and for whatever reason starts on a political rant.
I should have realized he was trolling immediately, but I felt compelled to ask him to lay off of the original poster and inform him that his political views were a bit misguided. Again wrong move on my part... never talk politics with anyone that has less than half of your IQ.
So, he goes off on me, with horrible grammar, spelling, and sentence structure; repeatedly calling me blind for developing the political views that I developed because of my first hand dealings with the Govt. (rather than his media spoon feedings), accusing me of glancing over what he said without reading. When I point out the irony of him calling me blind, he goes on to call me stupid and quotes the dictionary definition of Irony. Except that he never uses the word in its proper format. It's all "ironic". But that's beside the point. If you're going to use a definition to prove someone wrong, you should understand the definition, right?
So, he gives me this definition: "the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect."
Now being that he meant blind in the METAPHORICAL sense... The word irony perfectly applies to why I thought this was humorous, being that I am LITERALLY blind. And then he dings me on my ONE typo in About a page and a half of text, while still misspelling the word "you".
I hate arguing with idiots, because no matter how concise and well thought out your arguments are, all the idiot has to do is say "you're wrong" and because I refuse to rebut any further, the idiot feels they have won. And there are enough other idiots out there to see that I have no further rebuttal, so they agree.
I HATE how stupid society has become.