I'm a little upset with the way this site has been going lately. First, and foremost, where the hell is the "Plus size women" link that used to exist under hopefuls, now "member review"? Also I have been waiting since the 24th for one of my favorite, if not my favorite models pics to be posted, which she submitted, and according to her, they messed something up... I feel like I am not getting what I paid for. I can't find one of the things that made this site appealing to me, and they are screwing one of my favorite models over...
Not that it will be any loss to any of you, but I think when my shit runs out, Im out... Unless they straighten their shit out.
Not that it will be any loss to any of you, but I think when my shit runs out, Im out... Unless they straighten their shit out.
You are so wonderfully sweet! Thank you so much for your support! XXOXOOXOX I would love the front page too. someday..
hey dude hope your awesome :o)